Peter Gregerson has a story to tell. It's a story of spirituality, deception, confusion, and wisdom. It is a story shared by many others who have caught a glimpse of a freeing pathway from the deceiving clutches of the Watchtower religion and have walked that lonely road out. It's a story that needs to be heard by those who consider leaving the Organization, those who have already exited, and those who desire to help others escape. During the late 197o's Gregerson's soul was in turmoil over doubts he was having about the Watchtower Org. His reservations were growing, but he also knew that leaving the Watchtower, after nearly 5o years of loyalty, would not be easy. His wife and her family, his children, many of the managers at his grocery stores, and most of his closest friends were all Witnesses. In their eyes, to leave the Watchtower is to turn ones back on Jehovah himself, and to be essentially given a death sentence. During the late 1970's Gregerson developed a relationship with reclusive Witness scholar, and member of the Governing board since 1971 Raymond Franz. Franz had come to a crisis in his own faith in the Jehovah's Witnesses which reached an intense level in late 1979. Gregerson wrote a letter of resignation to the service department of the Org. In essence disassociating himself. Raymond Franz was disfellowshipped after he was "caught eating a meal with Gregerson" who was now considered by the Org. to be a wicked man. As a result of his bad experiences, Franz authored a book documenting those difficult days, a book that opened the door of the secretive and destructive practices of the Watchtower leadership, and that was banned even before it was written. Many people do not realize that this book aptly titled "Crisis of Conscience", was written at the strong suggestions of Gregerson, who even paid Franz a weekly salary in order to enable him to write the book. This book has been translated into 12 languages, and has become a classic volume and has been used to shake many Jehovah's Witnesses out of the dark stupor cast over them by the Watchtower Org. You do not want to miss tonight's program. Peter is going to tell us some things we may have never heard concerning th Watchtower Org. He also may be bringing a special guest on the call with him. The phone lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST and the program starts at 7p.m.EST. So come on early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". It's easy to get on the call. No computer is necessary. Just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Please note the program tonight will be bringing people in from all over the world, so dial in early to secure a line.
Peter Gregerson, long time friend of Raymond Franz, on the six screens call tonight, Saturday April 17 at 7p.m.EST
by koolaid-man 12 Replies latest jw friends
Gotta give you credit! You get some big names on your program.
Franz and Gregerson were big news..
On one of our Canadian News Shows years ago..
I think that was on "The Fifth Estate" in Canada. I still have an old VHS copy of the show around someplace.
Rick, I always listen to you on the internet and have only just got around to hearing Barbera Anderson. I personally agree with her when she says that most people in the org. really do believe they are right. We did when we were a part of it. Yes they do sell many publications, but they feel that is neceassay to spread the word. Of course we all agree that it is a terrable organisation to get caught up in, but that should make us even more determined to help those still in it, bearing in mind that they really do believe in it.
I will try to listen in if I can. (please, try to be not sensatioinalistic, more informative... ) I am sure it will be very helpful to anyone who listens.
Now introducing.....The Sensational..........Rick FEARONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
Minimus what would really be sensational is you coming on the call and talking to all your fans.
Please r ead information below on Richard Rawe's guest : "Peter Gregerson" For those who cannot participate via the ir telephone because of expensive long-distance rates: We will be hosting this conference on Paltalk , a free use , real time text/audio chat program. If you haven't used Paltalk, you can learn about it and download it for FREE here: Click on "Download for Free" follow the directions from there. The room name for th e conference call is titled : Six Screens Of The Watchtower It is found under "Religion and Spirituality" subsection "Christianity" If you happen to miss this or any call , they are recorded and uploaded :