Did Jesus have ALZHEIMER'S? Or, just a really short attention span?

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    The Gospels (good stories) were just that, "stories".

    These stories were taken seriously by those who heard them.

    It was a long series of retelling that led to the first written versions.

    Nobody has any idea how much of the content is based on fact.

    These conversations between Jesus and his disciples ARE RECREATED like TV documentaries.

    Nobody sat at the table with Jesus (like a court stenographer) and recorded the exact words!

    That is what makes PROOF TEXTS so ridiculous!

  • minimus

    Jesus simply loved riddles.

  • Terry

    Jesus simply loved riddles.

    My thought on that is this. If you speak in riddles the burden is placed on the listener to MAKE IT WORK.

    You appear to know something hidden, when in fact, you don't.

    Look at the nonsense written by Nostradumbass!

    People twist themselves into pretzels trying to make something correspond to his gobbletygook.

    I think the historical Jesus probably said very little that was understandable. Only later did people retro-fit happenings into editorialized parable sayings.

    Paul seems to have more of a definite idea about the Jesus theology than the very people who spent every day with him!

  • Heaven

    I'm with AK-Jeff. If you can't be crystal clear, I don't put any stock in what you're sayin'.

    Jesus simply loved riddles.

    Jesus was the original Riddler. And here I thought it was Frank Gorshin all these years. You learn something new every day!

    Frank Gorshin 'The Riddler'

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