Daniel for Fun and Prophet, Part II - A Scholarly Treatise on Chapter 3

by Farkel 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quando

    That was too funny!! Thanks!

  • Heaven

    Just wondering if "Genital Times" has been done? I did a quick search but didn't see it.

  • misanthropic

    Hilarious and brilliant! Now if only the studies were more like this I would have enjoyed them!

    Seriously, who's going to bow down to any huge gold stick-man like that without laughing his ass off the whole time?

    I'm thinking (aside from being doubled over shielding themselves from the wretched music while laughing their asses off) they could've been frozen scared in that position afraid suddenly realizing, the wind could blow this hideous, anorexic looking statue of gold right over onto them from 90 feet in the air. Just my .02 cents.

    *going to read your link to part I that I missed.

  • kurtbethel

    I tremble in fear at the thought of you explaining Revelation.

  • startingover

    I missed this first time around. Thanks for calling attention to it in the other thread Farkel

  • Farkel

    Walt Disney did many fine animated movies, but of course, he had his favorites. Sometimes the author's favorites are not the favorites of the audience. That being said, the author is his/hers own worst critic, so at least, the author should know his best (if not most popular) works.

    For Walt Disney it was Pinocchio (made in1940 I think) as his favorite crown jewel. Disney Studios only releases that movie on the current media like VHS's or DVDs once every 10 yers. It is that good. When I bought the last release in the 1990's I finally knew why it was Walt's favorite, so I studied it. Yeah. That is kinda weird, but he was the artist and I wanted to see why he was so proud of it. Then I studied Fantasia and Snow White and a number of his other famous animated movies. Pinocchio was the best in quality, animation, story and everything else that makes a great movie of its ilk.

    I'm no Walt Disney, but have my own personal favorites, and that is why I am commenting on this thread. The topic I cover on this thread is not my personal favorite, but I consider it in the top three of all the volumes of drivel I have dished out and I only wrote it about a year ago. It took about three weeks to get it the way I wanted it, and it ended up being too long for most of this board's readers taste. So I lost readers because of that, but I didn't think I could cut out any words, and I didn't cut out any words. For me, ALL the words were needed to cover the subject I wanted to cover in my topic.

    The other two are "The Story of Bonnie and Berta" and it's a toss-up between the Rutherford vs. Al Capone piece and the Handy Dub Glossary, or or perhaps the pithy "Dubs For Dummies" piece and the piece on Beth Sarim I did in 2011. I'm also fond of my several pieces about being in field service and how it really is to be in field service without lying about how it is to be in field service.

    All monumental pieces of drivel from a raving Satanic apostate.

    Drivel is good, if only used in moderation, even if it is NOT monumental, which it isn't. This is Bible-Based.



  • GrandmaJones

    I love this post. (And I read every word of it) I am a huge Farkel fan. I have gone back and read most of the threads you have ever started in the last ten years.

    Grandma Jones (of the Farkel admiration class)

  • Farkel

    I said:

    :In the final installment, Nezzy ends up in hot water again, and I will finally reveal why simple logic will show that if the WTS explanation of the Genital Times Prophecy using Daniel 4 as proof is true, it is a huge embarrassment to any self-respecting God. As promised before, no chronology and no goofy year-for-a-day bullshit will be used.

    There will be no final installment. It's not that I canot do it. It's that I will not do it.



  • Farkel


    I've dealt extensively with Revelation, particulary chapters 7 and 23.

    It's in the archives. As I said, there isn't much left to do. Moreover, people smarter than me have dealt with much of the rest of Revelation.

    It suffices to say that John "the Revelator" was smoking some serious shit. Hell, even in the Council of Nicea in what? 314 A.D.?, that piece of trash only made it into the Biblle Canon by ONE vote.

    Only ONE vote trasformed that crap from insanity to God's Word(tm).


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