2010 Circuit Assembly..........Sunday Program nonsense and madness.

by RULES & REGULATIONS 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peaches

    i did not realize that these demonstrations were made up.....ok,,,i get dufuss of the year award!!! they clapped at disasters killing people....that is so grievious.....



    That was the worst meeting I ever attended!

    I was thinking about all the people that died in Haiti and found it sad that the WTS would wait for an applause when mentioning the effects from earthquakes and viruses.

    Here is the article about the earthquake from WIKIPEDIA:

    The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophicmagnitude 7.0 M wearthquake, with an epicentre near the town of Léogâne , approximately 25 km (16 miles) west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] By 24 January, at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater had been recorded. [ 7 ] An estimated three million people were affected by the quake; [ 8 ] the Haitian Government reported that an estimated 230,000 people had died, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless. [ 9 ] [ 10 ] They also estimated that 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial buildings had collapsed or were severely damaged. [ 11 ]

  • EmptyInside

    Yes, I was at that part of the Assembly too. But, the good news is that a lot more Witness young people are attending college, but they pioneer at the same time. But, at least they are taking care of their generation.

    I also heard an experience from a married couple who had a construction business and had at least 15 people working for them. But, they downsized their business so they could apply to go into the international building work. I just felt bad for the workers they had let go, who depended on the job to support their families.

  • EmptyInside

    Sorry, I meant they are taking care of their education, not generation. I must have "generation" on my mind. Wonder why?

  • bobld

    So single is in today.I believe this same shit was said in the 1940's.Oh,all the blessing increases was due to children born in the so called truth.Talk about recycled shit.We listen to the FDS and not get educated.However,we are very very selfish and have some one else spent money on education so we can enjoy Doctors,Dentists,eyes specialists,engineers.The WBTS like those Lawyers,new advances high speed presses,computer engineers.

    Those poor high school kids,that is right kids don't know what they are getting into.Sure it's good today when they can life off their parents.Come back in 20,30 years and the tune will change.Did not they see what happened when 3,500 or more Bethelites got the boot.Yet they want to go to that sewer hole.


  • GLTirebiter
    If all these JW kids are so hell-bent on pioneering and avoiding college as if it were a giant leper colony....why the flurck would you take the ACT (or SAT or any other test exclusively designed for determining ability to do well in college, and good for absolutely nothing else)?

    In some schools and districts, it's required. All juniors take PSAT, all seniors take SAT/ACT. The school's composite SAT/ACT score is part of its evaluation for the state Board of Education.

  • watson
    ''Isn't wonderful that these things have happened as the ''end'' draws near''?

    I question your wording here, Rules, and I know they did not clap over other people's misfortune. Nicely infamatory there Rules.

    Good for riling up the apostates..LOL

  • Lozhasleft

    i did not realize that these demonstrations were made up.....ok,,,i get dufuss of the year award!!!

    Ha ha ha bless you Peaches ...you made me really giggle xx

    Loz x

  • foolsparadise

    So its okay for the Attorneys at Bethel to attend college to get their law degree but not for anyone else....Right!! That makes perfect sense!!

  • nelly136

    ***The speaker talked about how the h1n1 virus has killed thousands around the world. There have been 6 major earthquakes in the last year. He said,''Isn't wonderful that these things have happened as the ''end'' draws near''?***

    it really takes a special kind of 'speshul' to celebrate the misery and deaths of fellow human beings caused by catastrophes.

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