The convention in 1958 in NY stadium counseled not to have children. Glad my folks who were there chose to ignore. Though they may feel otherwise in my case.
JW's being asked not to marry?
by life is to short 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
keyser soze
I always thought it was ironic when married elders would be giving talks on the “gift of singleness” (blegh).
That always irritated me to no end. In fact, I knew of no elders who weren't married. Same for those in the circuit and district work. It was almost as if being married were a requirement for these positions.
I always wondered what the wives thought when they would hear their husband say from the platform, "It's better to remain single."
I remember that they were strongly anti-marriage before 1975.
They were anti-everything back then. The end was imminent.
Many members started having children, especially after the 1995 change to "generation." Those kids are teens now.
They had a big relaxation in the "no-college" ideal, well that's over with.These are suggestions that many dubs ignore or tell their family/friends that they understand but then they justify their reasons for going against them. I just wish more could learn to ignore them.
I think it's been difficult for WTS to sell their urgency so they are bringing back old standards. I expect the urgency to build as WTS vamps it up.
This is absolutely absurd! In the Catholic church, they forbid monks, nuns, and priests from marrying--and they get a problem with pedophiles. Now, the witlesses are asking EVERYONE to refrain from marrying "because the end is so close". Yea, right! Like it is so close that we missed it 136 years ago--IN 1874! And, the witlesses are facing an even worse pedophile problem than the Catholic church!
If they don't want more homosexuals (which they bash to death), incest (which they also bash), and pedophiles within their ranks that are that way because their proper outlet for sex is blocked, they had better quit with these totally absurd policies. That being the position they are taking, I am not going to reward the witlesses in any way, shape, or form for trying to interfere with my right to attract the opposite sex. Hey, if even Jehovah cannot escape a severe bashing out of me for doing that, how in hell can the witlesses?
Broken Promises
incest (which they also bash)
Shouldn’t incest be bashed???
First, they know that married people are busy looking out and caring for each other and for any children they may bring into the world. The religion CRAVES and covets this attention for itself. Hence, the advice 'not to marry'. The religion is annoyed that there aren't enough women around to do favors for all the users or act as chauffeurs or free home health aides!
Secondly, and maybe most importantly, they figure that if somebody does not get married and has no heirs, they will LEAVE whatever money or possessions they have to the religion.
I believe these are the real reasons why they are saying this and I don't believe it really has anything to do with the public ministry at all.
personally speaking, I don't believe JWs should have children anyway. It amounts to cruel and unusual punishment to raise children in this cancer of a religion. A whole generation of youth on antidepressants and bipolar from this nonsense. As far as JWs being asked not to marry, its always been that way as long as I can remember. I guarantee you those three young men on the stage, since being put on display like slaves at an auction, they'll all be married in a handful of years. Those guys will be fighting sisters off.
Taking note of the ad at the top of page...
Back on topic, those who do remain single for the Lawd typically feel a since of superiority but many are not honest with themselves.
There was a long-time pioneer that I used to look up to when I was in younger. She was single but you could tell she wanted to get married even though she denied it. At the time she was in her late 30's/early 40's. Anyway, a few young pioneers stayed the weekend at her cut to the chase we found out that she has a masturbation habit. That first night we were like "what is that"...she was going for it. The second night we simply looked at each other in disbelief. I don't think she was used to having company stay the night and did not realize how thin her walls were. We said nothing that first morning but that second morning, we did not make it halfway through the text when someone blurted out "Why don't you just get married? What are you trying to prove? We heard you both nights you know!"
We were so embarassed for her and the poor lady got teary-eyed and said she was staying single for the kingdom. Sadly, she's not the only JW I knew in that situation in their efforts to stay single for the kingdom. Unfortunately, some marry out of desperation because they waited so long for the kingdom when they come to their senses they marry any tom, dick or harry as long as he's baptized or about to be baptized.
Jehovah is telling us not use our time wisely
Oh thats right they have a direct phone line to god, its called the god phone.
The Watchtower publishing company wants free working slaves to promote their literature.
This intuitive was strongly promoted back in the 1930's and 40's, shocking to see that
they're up to their old tricks.
What better way to give praise and serve Jehovah than pushing Watchtower literature
out to the public, you'll make god smile upon you if you do.