Any notable/weird cases of disfellowshipping to mention?Ok let me start first:Two jw couples in my are had been doing orgies and they got kicked out.This happened 2 years ago.
by XPeterX 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
I mean "in my area" LOL
I don't have any such weird stories that I personally was involved with.
Did you know about the orgies? Did you ever attend?I did hear about some JW's where a guy and a girl would have separate judicial committee meetings when they had "relations." One would confess and still get disfellowshipped for being unrepentant. But the other would deny anything took place and there was only one witness, the DF'ed one. So the one who clearly lies about it has the charges dismissed and is in good standing, but the one who confesses the truth is kicked out.
I see a theme to your posts, Peter.
White Dove
Two couples having orgies? Doubtful. Maybe they were simply swingers. Orgies sounds too extreme. And maybe that was all gossip and it didn't even happen.
Blondie what do you mean?They had sex with each others partner at different times but they knew.Ok orgy is when more than 2 ppl have sex at the same time.It's from the greek word "orgio" (?ργιο).Something else I would like to mention is that a bishop had sex with the woman of the family that accomodated him for that particular week,and that's for sure.He got dfd big time,imagine the aftermath.
Psychotic Parrot
Pics or it didn't happen.
I don't have any such weird stories that I personally was involved with.
Did you know about the orgies? Did you ever attend?I did hear about some JW's where a guy and a girl would have separate judicial committee meetings when they had "relations." One would confess and still get disfellowshipped for being unrepentant. But the other would deny anything took place and there was only one witness, the DF'ed one. So the one who clearly lies about it has the charges dismissed and is in good standing, but the one who confesses the truth is kicked out.
My reply: I know personally of one such case. The girl sat out close to a year.
Something else I would like to mention is that a bishop had sex with the woman of the family that accomodated him for that particular week,and that's for sure.He got dfd big time,imagine the aftermath.
A bishop? Surely this is being posted in jest...
xpeterx, he got disfellowshipped big time? As opposed to a minor disfellowshipping?