I decided to update my resume and realized that I have to take out a couple of things. My pioneer school under education and bible instructor under volunteer experience. I can't believe I actually put those on there and got hired. I'm so embarrassed.
Did any of you ever do this?
by doublelife 16 Replies latest jw friends
I can understand why you would take those out, but they can actually help you - with some jobs. It means you have an ability to speak in public and teach something. That's an asset for some jobs. I would put those under "other activities" or "Hands-on experience", or something like that.
How are you doing, Doublelife?
I'd leave them in. Most good companies & even corporations like to hire people who have some 'public service' or 'charity' in their backgrounds. It tells them you care about something other than just yourself & you know how to talk to people. Plus it looks good when they decide to do some charity that you know what you are doing and aren't going to behave like a spoiled brat who doesn't wish to get involved in helping out.
And if you can deliver the keynote address at some internal ceremony .... whoo hoo ... they really love you.
I've done it and have gotten every last job I applied for.
Still valid experience in public speaking, just don't list it as job experience. Volunteer public speaking work for my "church" is what I use on a resume.
White Dove
Ooo goody! I can add those to my resume
My ex-boss (a JW) wrote a letter of recommendation for me and mentioned in it that I volunteered 90 hours per month in the community for a number of years. I really wish he didn't include that! The job I applied for never asked about it and I was hired.
Thanks for all the input. I didn't realize I could still keep it on my resume. I just don't want to advertise that I use to be a jw. I think I'll use mindmelda's method and put public speaking instead of bible instructor.
dgp: "How are you doing, Doublelife?" I guess I'm okay, just frustrated. I'm trying to figure out a way to become financially independent from my husband so I can start living my life. I asked my boss for full-time hours but I don't think it'll get approved. All the doctors at my job are getting nervous because we haven't been getting as many new patient appointments as they're used to. I'm off work tomorrow and I'm going to get the phone book out and start calling other doctor's offices to see if anyone is hiring for full-time work.
it will be ok,,,,,it is just a fact,,,,might even help you...good luck...
Hey Doublelife, I hope you find something. At least you're not hanging around waiting for it to get better like some people I know. Getting proactive is the first step. My resume doesn't havent anything related to the JW background, but a couple places where I applied for positions had questions related to volunteer service. I stated I did community service related to the church I attend. Granted, it was Field Circus, but there's been a couple times I genuinely felt like I helped some people out with a Bible, so I didnt feel too guilty by labeling it community service. The job I have now I actually love. Life would perfect if I could drop my religion and go marry a worldly girl, but prior to getting to this point, I hated my job. As I started feeling out the company I'm working for, a couple higher ups caught wind of my disatisfaction, and they offered me positions related to training. At first I couldn't understand it, but I have to give credit where its due, its the JW background. Not to toot my own horn, but I can speak in front of an audience. When dealing with group related projects, people almost expect of me to take the lead, even when their educational background trumps mine. Fortunately I got a position within the same company that I now love. As much as I'm learning to hate this religion, I have to give it some credit in some areas.
But again, I hope you find something better. You're in the medical field I take it, it seems like things tend to pick up around June when companies make changes insurance related. Seems like physician's offices should get a little extra action around that time.
I like the idea of keeping it in there under other activities and without specific reference as to what you were doing. I once impressed the hell out of a boss that wanted me to give a talk to the whole company (maybe 50 people). A number of other employees hated getting this assignment from him because they hated speaking to a bunch of people. I said I would be fine, I had experience in public speaking. He asked "how big was your largest audience?" "2500" When he asked what was the group I told him a church convention.