Honestly, I never thought this thread would lead to such interesting answers. I particularly like Scully's. Thank you.
Frowning on education and its potential effect
by dgp 15 Replies latest jw friends
I became a JW in 1973, the year I graduated from college. I passed up an opportunity to go to grad school as a resullt. My degree was in English, which didn't offer much hope for employment at the time. In 1982, we moved and I went back to school for a year to study accounting. I think the new congregation looked down on us because I was in school instead of just getting a job and being broke. Looking back I think it was the real start of my exit.
I didn't get an education. Truthfully because I didn't try hard at school - what was the point if Armageddon was coming before I left? I was very bright before I became a teenager - top of the school but afterwards only did enough to get by. It was frowned upon to do any higher education in the congregation and although I started pre-uni studies I quickly dropped out. The teachers couldn't believe it but I explained it was so I could become a full time minister. I recall meeting one teacher of mine in the street a few months later (I had been top of her class just before I left) and she blanked me in disgust. The PO and other pioneers thought I was great though.
Roll on a few years and I was doing part time sales work earning enough to put petrol in my car. A kid from my old class comes into my shop - he was a disruptive type - very cocky with average grades. He'd done his pre-Uni exams (A levels) and got himself a job as a trainee stock broker - was driving a great car and still only 19. That's when I knew I'd screwed up cos I was pretty materialistic.
Eventually I went to college in the evenings for 6 years - oops that did mean missing some meetings which I didn't hear the end of but I was fading. Somehow I've salvaged a great career, life etc but only after a decade of incredible effort.
For anyone out there that thinks (or is told) education later in life is a waste of time - it isn't. Do it. For me it was meeting replacement therapy and a chance at a new life.
They seem to want money for their work. Yet, they insist that people do not need to be educated.
Not only is college "bad", but they want the witlesses to work part time and pio-sneer. What if everyone did that? By my arithmetic, if they were earning minimum wages, they would be making under $300 a week before taxes--and that's working 40 hours a week. Going part time would slash that to well under $200 a week before taxes, and who is going to live on that kind of money in the United Tyranny of America these days?
To top it off, most of the growth is in the bad neighborhoods. These days, most people that accept the rags are either hard up, looking for someone to bum money off of for cancer sticks and beer, or are drunk. Some accept the rags and return visits because the witlesses have the reputation of being generous, and they will bum money off them "for food" (but use it for drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes). Certainly, they are not going to continue studying if they actually have to start making changes. Those who are hard up are going to donate little or nothing toward running the scam, and are of little worth (for sure, they are not going to succeed in recruiting many people in).
What is left are those who get their kicks in ruining people's lives. These are the pedophiles that molest children, not because they are sexually attracted to them, but because they get kicks in the damage they can do. These are the people that lie and promise things, only to welsh on them. These are the axxholes that pull scams and put crap in people's lives, not to get rich themselves, but to create problems for society. Given a Washtowel study, they will fit right in--becoming the hounders that ban every sort of fun because it ruins lives. They bully people into donating everything, staying in field circus long past quitting time (sometimes even causing them to lose their jobs for attendance issues), and insist in bringing people in by the strictest interpretation of the book. You have to throw away everything "in the name of God". Some even continue to molest children--under the two witness rule!
For sure, none of those groups are going to create money for the Washtowel Slaveholdery. Those who leach off others will donate nothing. Those looking for the truth, who are hard up, will donate nothing. Those who insist on ruining lives will donate something but drive away all those who had been donating money. And, the Washtowel Slaveholdery will take a bath.
Bravo! I am glad you got your education and are successful. There are many people in middle age or older who are desperately trying to make a living in this economy because they heeded the bad advice of this religion and did not get an education. The religion feels no accountability for this.
You are right about being concerned about what would have happened if your husband passed away. Who would support you??? Maybe a few kind souls would give you something but it wouldn't be for long - even in a period of prosperity. What about NOW that we are in a 'recession' and people are all losing jobs? Even the most generous person there still has to look out for themselves and their family first.
In my case, I am a single woman who works full time. I faced judgmentalism and stupid remarks (mostly from stay-at-home housewives and retirees who forgot what it was like to work). Some covetous types acted as if I 'owed' somebody something! Why? Because they CHOOSE to be on the fringes of the workforce? The sickest irony is that I WOULD HAVE BEEN THE LAST to get help! If YOU didn't get help, I certainly would have gotten nothing except maybe somebody's leftovers in a plastic container! As it is, I am a 'fader' and do not associate. I am glad because I would not tolerate anybody targeting me for anything and I certainly don't want to hear about them looking for contributions!
The bottom line is: the religion's stand against education is about control and jealousy issues. But, unfortunately for them, they have helped to dig their grave with this one. Maybe it is poetic justice.