I don't know if this is me being evil or whatever but I seriously can't stop laughing over this.
I got a message on my youtube channel about how my videos have inspired this user to learn doctrine as thoroughly as they can so they can preach the gospel of Christ to their brothers. It went into GREAT detail about how much the videos inspired them with things to use from the bible, what places to look and how they are trying to memorize certain videos of mine. The last sentence in the e-mail is "What kind of Christian are you?"
I sent the following response:
"Um... The Atheist Kind".
I keep imagining the reaction upon reading that message by this uber-christian who just found out he'd been inspired to learn doctrine and read the bible more by an atheist and I can't stop laughing. Seriously it's been something like 15 minutes and I can't stop.
My cheeks are starting to hurt.