It's quite simple really...

by undercover 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Thank you so much for this thread !

    This is something i brought up with the Elders too .......He was saying remember it was the Organization that taught you the truth about the soul , trinity , hell ......... I interupted him and said "Excuse me but I feel it was the organization that LIED to me ! "

    " When I was a child in the early seventies I was well trained on how to preach at the door, to much old ones, how they were a blessed generation because they lived since 1914 and would see the fulfillment of the END . Also our magazines proudly proclaimed 1914 on the front cover ......then it all changed ! And the blood fraction teaching changed .No longer is it absolutely NO Blood is now almost all fractioned up to acceptable /unacceptable parts ! " What will be next ???

    He tried to come back with "NEW LIGHT " understanding and I said "NO" it is just new mens opinion changing . I said the old governing body members are dying off and now you have younger men taking their place and giving thier opinions ...that's all ! "

    Also noted I will go to the garage and pull out the 84 W Bound volume to save .....any others you suggest keeping ? I have 1977-2005

  • straightshooter

    I was told that the earthly paradise was right around the corner. The explanation of the generation was a center piece that the end was near. I have seen many a friend pass away without seeing this fulfilled.

    Many of the JWs buy into the new generation explanation as further proof that the light is getting brighter.

    But the new generation teaching makes me sick, because all those years I spent telling others about the end being so close was a total waste of my time.

  • In

    I completely see what you're saying, and agree that they have screwed with people.

    But I also look at this from the witness point of view, which will inevitably be to pick out the correct things in the article, such as Look! We have fulfilled Mat. 24:14, and now with the german thing going on Rev 18:4 might be fulfilled, and the special talk was about 1 Thess Peace and security, etc... SO, hey, one little thing in there was wrong, but we've got so much else Right!

    It's so difficult to get anyone who is blinded to see the manipulation here.

  • lepermessiah

    While their past lies and false prophecies are damning enough, it hits home when it's something you lived through and experienced first hand.

    Another thought Undercover....this is just a great thread.

    I have been going down a similar path, in the sense that I have been trying to build the PERFECT case against the WT, mainly for my family.

    Pedophilia, 607/587, Russell, Rutherfraud, Hitler, Disfellowshipping, etc.......I have been seaching for that "AH HA, I got you!" moment.

    But you know what - the main thing is that I know in my heart that it is all a bunch of BS. We were duped. I lived in fear of something that NEVER CAME. When I was a child of the 1980's, most of the adults in the hall thought Armageddon was imminent! Reagan and Brezhnev/Andropov/Cherneko both had their hands on the button, ready to launch.......The UN declared 1987....drum roll please......"THE YEAR OF PEACE!!!!"

    That must be the call of peace and security!

    Well, OK - now that passed. That generation must have a few more years to go.......

    Then the new millenium came. The year 2000 - well, people born in 1914 would be 86 years old now. I guess "that generation" must refer to the few old timers who were lucky enough to live past 80 years of age.......wait for it.......

    I try not to live in regret - thinking how life might have been without "The Truth" but you cant help but think how you wasted lots of wonderful days of life, not to mention the time, energy, and FEAR that it took to be a staunch JW.

  • Lozhasleft

    Wow I remember that Watchtower distinctly...and then the Live forever book....'You can live forever on a paradise earth!' We would have the unique experience of never having to die.....I remember using this book with studies...before the 'knowledge' book...

    I dont really understand how they're getting away with all this....

    Loz x

  • sherah

    Thanks Undercover, you hit this one out the park!

    This issue was the deciding factor as why i didn't go to college when i graduated from high school in the early 90's. The end was super close because the "generation of 1914" was shrinking, it couldn't go on for much longer. Then when new light about the generation hit in 1995, i was lost and confused. Although i didn't walk away, my serve-us slowed down and my faith in anything said by the WT was shaken.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I relate to the subject. I realized that WTS was not "the truth" and that it was a dangerous mind control cult. I needed to educate myself. I needed to learn why they were wrong about every last thing like 607BCE, the Bible's supposed command to preach door-to-door, yadda yadda. There were still issues I hadn't figured out or even known about so I immersed myself in those, things like the blood doctrine.

    I don't need to prove anything to anybody about the Bible or doctrine. I do some of it here on JWN because that's the place for it. But when I meet with ex-JW's, I don't obsess over doctrines and stuff.

    I like your summary: All I need to do is point out that the generation that I was a part of was no longer exists and that God's promise held out to me no longer exists. I was lied to. I was decieved. I will experience death. I will not see a paradise earth. I can admit it now...I was a member in a doomsday cult.

  • JWoods

    Well, this is really a lot more blatant than the failed 1975 prophecy...not just spoken word: it is printed out for everyone to see right there in that Watchtower.

    Plus, we have printed their retraction on what a "generation" was later in the 1995 retake.

    Somehow, I did not know this Watchtower existed as I had left before 1980. Guess they learned NOTHING from the 1975 experience.

  • Robert7
    And they have never apologized

    And what really pisses me off more is that not only did they not apologize, they tried blaming their members for over-expectations. Dubs today still use that excuse.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think much along the same lines as you these days UC.

    I spent about three years proving and then re-proving to myself that the organization was bad/wrong/effed up.

    Nowadays I find that I cannot be bothered with it. I know it is wrong. That's enough. I don't care to rehash it anymore - though I understand that there are many on these boards who still need to do that in order to get some closure. Part of the process.

    I have done the same with Christianity in general now for the most part. And religion in general.

    In fact I am more put off by xjws who have somehow gone back to the trough for some more of the same - just carrying a new religious banner - than I am by Jw's. At least they haven't figured it out yet - just trapped until they do.

    I recall when I first left the organization thinking: Why do so many xjws become agnostic or atheist? Now I wonder why more of them don't. Examining jwism almost always leads to finding out that religion in general is just the same.

    Nice thread, UC.


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