OK I listening in for the meetings and will probably go to the special talk Sunday, they are having it this week because of the special assembly day last weekend.
I am doing this for a very good reason but it is driving me crazy listening to this stuff. I need to vent of else I feel I will go crazy. It is so stupid.
OK so last night was the Question Box and it was about recording the public talks. OH MY GOD I just could not believe the stupidness of the answers. This one MS said 'it is frightening at how easily we can record.' I kid you not, you cannot make this stuff up. He said 'the ipod and recording devices that are out there can record so easily that it is peer frightening. He has seen it with how own eyes.' Now mind you this is not a stupid person, he has a good job working for some top company who flys him all over the west coast.
The the PO's son an elder said 'we would only want to listen to the channel that the Jehovah is using now and that would be the Faithful Slave. So we would never want to listen to anything but what they approve for us to listen to.
Then get this someone said to have old recordings and to listen to them could harm us because of the new light that Jehovah is providing for us all the time. I kid you not. They said what if you have a talk that is say 10 years old the information could be old and we would want to always keep up with Jehovah's organization. WHAT? Then they said what if it was from a CO and he was addressing just the area or congregation and we were to hear his talk we could get wrong ideas from what he really meant.
It is truly unbelievable what they are teaching and that I bought into it growing up in the religion. I feel like my mind is so clear and to listen to such stupidness is crazy making.