If the Watchtower now does not require JWs to fill out time reports and monitor field service activity, do you think JWs will be happy with that new adjustment?
no more time reports and monitoring field service activity!
by asilentone 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That'll be the day. Control control control. Must fill out those forms.
They will sooner give up printing literature and tell the drones to go out with a Bible and a message before they say NO FIELD RECRUITING.
They used to need productivity, now they settle for just busy work. -
......were they overjoyed at the rumor of reduced pioneer hours?......
90% of JWs would be secretly relieved!
5% of JWs would feel 'lost' without the standards and procedure
5% of JWs would be pissed that there 'I am sooooo special' card had been taken away!
If the Watchtower now does not require JWs to fill out time reports
Um......where did you hear this from?? I can't imagine them ever getting rid of the Field Serve-Us Report, as that's one of the main ways they keep control on the rank and file.
I think he is just asking what we think the response would be.....
Did you realize that it's more important to be "regular" (meaning putting in a report every single month with at least some time on it) than it is to read your Bible, help the elderly and orphans, attend Kingdom Hall meetings, love your neighbor, avoid the world?
You could sit at home and vegitate, skipping everything else. But the elders would ask "Didn't you talk about the Kingdom for at least one hour this month? Couldn't you find a way to say that you did?" (Or if you are elderly or disabled, perhaps they would settle for 15 minutes.)
I actually remember a brother in my old Hall who would tape the Craptower and Asleep! on his car windows and count it as "time" as he drove to the ASSemblies. He never went out door to door and I guess this was his way of getting his time in.
Then they would no longer be "Jehovah's Witnesses". They would disfellowship themselves...from themselves.
will never happen....but ....people would rejoice if it did
If that were to happen, people would spend as much field circus time as they should. At the point when the benefit of doing the next unit slips below the total cost, they would wisely quit--and, if that happens at zero, they wouldn't go out at all. And no one would be able to do a damn thing about it, since there would be nothing showing them where the dropoff is coming from.
Nor are they going to do it like this board. What I notice about this board is that "service activity", that is, posting activity, is taken care of automatically. There is no forgetting--you post something, it is counted automatically. And, it is impossible to turn in a fake post count, since fake posts will not be logged. This would not happen, because that would stop them from being able to count all those fake time slips toward their 7.3 million--and they would drop well below 7 million (probably even below 6 million).