very interesting, I'm quite interested in gaining my own personal records that they hold, without reading all the threads can I request this from the UK Bethel by means of a phone call or do I have to write to them?
How I obtained my personal files from Bethel
by jwfacts 123 Replies latest watchtower scandals
er that's just the other side of scary. I don't want to know what is written about me. You're braver than me but the cause of JW Facts is worth it.
leavingwt this is a pretty cynical read. I can already hear JW's trying to justify it - but frankly - it's nasty.
Mad Sweeney
In Australia Paul had to go through some governmental organization and jump through legal hoops. I wouldn't think the UK would be any easier. A phone call or letter from you would be ignored/laughed off.
leavingwt this is a pretty cynical read. I can already hear JW's trying to justify it - but frankly - it's nasty.
Yes. The attitude displayed in that letter is what I've personally seen from many JW elders.
This is chilling.
And I feel sick to my stomach.
So the Watchtower lawyer was Mr Toole? hahaha ah hell.
Paul, you're a bloody hero, you always stand up for what you believe in, and I think you are a star. I can see how writing that would have been tough for you, but thank you for doing so, you are blasting a light of truth through a very dark, controlled situation.
I love your site... who knows how many you have helped with it. I aspire to attempt something similar one day.
How did they find your name connected to the website? Were you open about it, or did they have to dig around somewhere?
Why didn't you attempt to run the website anonymously?
In the "story" page of your site you said the site started out anonymous, but they "found out" about it. How could they prove it was yours?[inkling]
I am impressed with the amount of information you have posted regarding your exit from WT, et. al. We are close in age and have taken similar paths up the so-called theocratic career ladder. ...yours took you to bethel... mine took me through MTS (with a couple of side trips as a temp at bethel....trips that told me bethel was not for me....partly based on behavior I observed first hand by so-called "spiritual men" at bethel.
your posting also tells me that I would not take the same amount of time in my case. I do not think I could do this in the US at any rate. I have no idea if I am DF or not. The elders certainly have enough proof to give me the boot officially...both in my postings here and my personal circumstances in the real world. I get an occasional visit from an elder (the last one was informal I believe).... but no visits at all from a CO or DO or from any elder from the last KH I associated with.
I am glad you got out... I am glad to be out myself. I cannot believe I, as a congregation secretary, used to write utterly inane letters like the ones you petty in retrospect....
Snakes (Rich )
How did they find your name connected to the website? Were you open about it, or did they have to dig around somewhere?
Can't answer this for him, but from the documents on jwfacts, it looks a lot like they did some serious Batman stuff to find his name. Frame job.
This is some chilling information. I noted that they particularly said, not that Paul was going against the BIBLE, but that he was saying things against the Bible AS TAUGHT BY JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. A tacit admission that there is a difference...
The 'use of apostate material' is a particularly suspect charge, given that the majority of the subjects posted on the site are based entirely around WATCHTOWER PUBLICATIONS' QUOTES!!!!! Then they are also admitting that WATCHTOWER PUBLICATIONS are APOSTATE MATERIAL! The irony is, the elders themselves could examine the website although this would make them guilty of reading apostate material! It's like policemen snorting drugs to prove that the drugs are really drugs. But it's okay because they're policemen...
But Paul--your site is one of my absolute favorites to visit. There is a lot of insightful data there and I've been able to verify your quotes, which is very helpful and encouraging to me, someone freshly out and still researching even though I've proven it false beyond a reasonable doubt. So thank you for your courage. You're definitely an inspiration to us all.
I don't guess this would work for anyone who is not in Australia?