"I can leave my purse sitting anywhere and when I come back I know it will still be there!"
That doesnt apply in Bethel. Leave a purse or a wallet and it will disspear :-)
by outlander 28 Replies latest jw friends
"I can leave my purse sitting anywhere and when I come back I know it will still be there!"
That doesnt apply in Bethel. Leave a purse or a wallet and it will disspear :-)
... trust them with confidential information, your spouse, children ... that's a whole different ball game
I tried to engage my aunt in a conversation about the disfellowshipping change. I was still in at the time. We were riding home from the meeting. I said, " boy all these years people were disfellowshipped and just like that they change the wording.....it doesn't make sense." She went OFF and started babbling that she was gonna wait on jehovah and if that's the way the slave wants it then that's the way it will be. .......I mean she was soooo angry. like somebody had stolen her crack cocaine.........the die hards are completely crazy!
Cult Classic
Hey Chris, Welcome to our Nightmare. I love it!! Been an Alice Cooper fan since 1972. Perhaps The Coop should write a song about the J.W's? Now, what would he title it?
Cult Classic. Question---- What Disfellowshiping Change are you talking about and just what are the current rules on Shunning? Not having been a Witness I really don't have a clear understanding on this. Thanks mucho!!
Sounds like my nutty mom. Say one word against the sacred organization and her head starts spinning and she spews pea soup just like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
reality is so hard to accept -- the kingdom hall my family attends has had items stolen. A sista had her wallet taken RIGHT OUT OF HER HANDBAG --- and still can't figure out how it happened.
i remember attending a convention in Calif. 20 yrs. ago and a boy from my city found a gucci watch when he was out trolling at lunch and didn't turn it in to lost & found. a yr. later he went away to bethel. gotta love it.
these witnesses are so clueless --- (i know i was) and that's how the loser pedophiles prey on their children. THEY SHOULD BE WARNING PEOPLE INSIDE ON A WKLY. BASIS JUST HOW BAD SOME of them are.
outlander - when a person is disfellowshipped now they say that "so and so is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses" instead of saying they have been disfellowshipped. It's not particularly a big deal and when I brought it up to my aunt I was really just making small talk, but she just lost it.
Incidentally on this forum we say DA'd = means you disassociated yourself and DF'd = disfellowshipped and faded = you left gradually w/o being DF'd or DA'g yourself.
Cult Classic
Black Sheep makes a great point. Don't TELL them anything. ASK questions that THEY are interested in (and of course ask for scriptural proof/evidence). They'll come back with a magazine article or book chapter (if they come back with anything). Reiterate the question again and ask for SCRIPTURES again.
But don't bother taking the initiative to do it. Wait for the opportunity. When THEY bring something up, then ask about it.
You may not get through today or tomorrow or next year. But seeds of doubt and questions linger and do have an effect with time. Sometimes.
Overall, you just have to live your own life. I'm approaching the "I give up" point when it comes to Dub relatives myself. When I started this fade journey in earnest I really had hopes for bringing my family with me. It's just not happening. I have my wife and kid, and I have to be satisfied with that.
About the purse thing: I'm convinced if you leave your purse anywhere, the vast majority of the persons will leave it alone, or maybe open it to search for an ID to return it. Of course the "worldlies" being in such big numbers, the thieves are more numerous too.