The Bible never uses the phrase "paradise earth". Just "new earth" and "new heavens" and "paradise" and "the earth".
The Bible never uses the phrase "paradise earth". I had to write that again, because it's important. *G*
An invented catch phrase pieced together from two different scriptures courtesy of the WTS, like "great crowd of other sheep". There's a "great crowd of worshippers in heaven" according to Revelation 19:1 "a great crowd standing before the throne" also in Revelation and "other sheep" mentioned in John 10, but never "the great crowd of other sheep".
Sneaky sneaky.
No indication that the "paradise" spoken of is ever a literal place on earth or the earth, for Christians.
The heavens where God lives is apparently a spiritual or metaphysical realm, but "the heavens and the earth" refers to our planet and the sky and literal spaces above it, obviously.
The interpretation that the new heavens and new earth represent spirituality transforming individuals gradually into a more peaceful society works for me as far as the actual planet earth goes.
The Bible speaks plainly over and over again that it's people who are the foundation of a more peaceful society. Christ taught universal brotherhood and living in peace and the benefit of that to all, not that only a few special people would benefit from his message.
The scriptures the Witnesses try to self apply in the book of Isaiah are about the Jews and the promised land, nothing more. Why don't they ever get the point that the Hebrew scriptures were about the Hebrews, for when they were written? argh. Even Jesus says that! They're FULFILLED, he says, first off, first discourse.