The two-door car was a big turnoff. I had one before I was baptized and I certainly wasn't going to trade it in. I often offered to drive, but no one wanted me too. So, I was always asked to give money to someone else for driving.
when in field service, was there any stupid rules that had to be followed?
by rockmehardplace 25 Replies latest jw friends
Darth plaugeis
My Friend and I wore Leather Jackets when we were in High School, and also wore them out in service. No one ever said anything, we were amazed. We did it for a couple of years until the families started to slack on FS. 2 Fonzies with Watchtowers "AYYYYYY Have a mag.. it's cooooollll.
And the Elders in the hall were Pricks. To this day I have no idea why they let that one slip by without talking to us. By the way we places a shit load of magazines.
You were ASKED to give gas money? We had to depend on the good feelings of our riders unless they went out with us every day and then we had a private arrangement or took turns using our cars.
I have seen my share of stupid rules. None as stupid as the rule against the "sisters" telling the "brothers" which streets are done (if I were the one doing the territory and they had that rule, I would presume the whole territory was done and turn it back in, half finished). But, we did have the no-radio rule. It was either Kingdumb sxxx (which some people actually did listen to), Washtowel tapes, or nothing. It was "not dignified" to listen to worldly music while out in field circus.
Another was about wearing your top collar button done up in very hot weather. If I had to wear a damn tie when it was 98 out, at least I would like to loosen it up a bit--but the slimebag idiot running the show would not allow that. This same pig also insisted that everyone answer to him before doing anything that involved leaving the territory for any reason--and he would go after them to make sure they were still in the territory unless he knew about it.
life is to short
There was so much I hated about field service. The wasted time, the depression that followed a morning of being yelled at by the householders and the "friends". There were times I would come home from service and just stair at the wall trying to decompress.
The meeting parts where they would ask who has ever had a bad day in service. Or a bad day in service is better than even the best day you could ever have in the world.
The dogs, I hated the dogs. If they were mean or friendly either way as they jumped all over you and were expected to just stand there not touching them not being afraid even if they were lunging for your leg. You were just supposed to stand there and try to talk to someone who is wondering what the heck you are doing there with beware of dog sings everywhere. I felt like such an idiot.
I hated field service in the country because I was in a car of sisters who hated my guts. I was very much like Palmtree. These sisters hated me though they did not send me the horrible letters and threats that Palmtree had to go though.
It was so hard to spend eight hours with a group of woman who will not speak to you and when they do they snip at you like you are an idiot.
I truly do no remember and good times.
life is to short
Oh also when I was in my early 20's and not married we had this stupid kid they made an MS at the age of 16. They truly did. I was blown away. So anyway it totally went to his head and he loved to boss around the sisters. Well he could not even drive yet so when he rode with me he would ask for the territory to give orders on who goes where. NO WAY NOT IN MY CAR. This older sister who was in her 80's pulled me aside and said you know he is an MS and we have to listen to him because that is what Jehovah wants. I was like not in my car with my money being paid for gas. I do not know how I had the guts to stand up to him but it just pissed me off so bad. The kid left the "truth" when he turned 18 or 19, guess Jehovah's holy spirit was not really there?