How do you FOR SURE jw's Do not have the truth?

by whatistruth 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods

    Yup. Anyway, light getting brighter and brighter would mean (to a normal thinking person) that more complimentary NEW things are added to the body of knowledge as a whole -

    NOT that new things come up every ten years or so and CONTRADICT old ideas which were taught before that.

  • rockmehardplace

    here is my issue. men are appointed by holy spirit as to be shepherds of the flock. so if one guy is appointed to be an elder that has done something that should disqualify him, it should be evident. but the arguement is that maybe the imperfect men that appointed him had a problem. again, then holy spirit was not with them when they a)made the decision and b) were appointed themselves. which then leaves where was holy spirit when those that appointed the ones that appointed...

    you see where this is going.

  • whatistruth

    Where do I find that 607 is just a made up jw teaching? Encyclopedia's?

  • OnTheWayOut

    They say the Bible is God's word. The Bible identifies false prophets at Deut.

    "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him"(Deuteronomy 18:22).

    Simply examine their past and the things they have claimed. The end did not come in 1874, 1914, 1925, 1975, the 20th Century.
    As a matter of fact, nothing they have promised has ever happened.

  • whatistruth

    Rock - Common sense.

    Way out - very good logic

  • thetrueone

    If you take a look at this publishing company's starting foundation back to C T Russel and J Rutherford and look at the WTS.

    first publishings you'll see a bunch a deceptive maligned proclamations based on false representations.

    The year 1914 for example was formulated out of a sorted belief in Pyramidology and framed on this ignorant ideology.

    Just to make this year a even bigger and believable importance they recalculated the year of the destruction of

    ancient Jerusalem back to the year 607 BC. to what is known from ancient chronology as actually being 586 BC.

    The king that had done this Nebuchadnezzar wasn't even on the throne of ancient Babylon until the year 605 BC.

    Another posthumous lie that the WTS. conjured up was their calculation of 6000 years ending in the fall of 1975

    back to the the birth of Adam, this is an imposable calculation since there is no exacting way genealogically

    in throughout those ancient times, through the bible or otherwise.

    Bullshit sells well but better bullshit sells even better.

    The WTS. has been selling luring lies and bullshit to the public now for over a century,

    creating millions in wealth and damaging and destroying lives in the process.

    Religion can bring power and wealth to men, but its the provocative lies to obtain this

    power and wealth that does the damage...........and thats The Truth

  • mindmelda

    Encyclopedias will tell you that the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon happened in 586/87.

    "The Babylonian captivity, or Babylonian exile, was the period in Jewish history from the deportation and exile of Jews of the ancient Kingdom of Judah to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar II starting with the first deportation in 597 BC of the royal court and other prominent citizens and craftsmen, along with a sizable portion of the Jewish population of Judah, numbering about 10,000, and continuing even after the fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple in 587 BCE. [ 2 ] The forced exile lasted until the fall in 538 BCE of Babylon to the Persian Cyrus the Great, who gave Jews permission to return to Yehud Province. [ 3 ] However, Jews continued to live in Babylon until the establishment of Israel in the mid-20th century CE, when most of them moved to Israel.

    The captivity and subsequent return to Israel and rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple are pivotal events in the history of the Jews and Judaism, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Jewish culture and practices."

  • gubberningbody

    The burden of proof is on the believer, and it has always been this way. This is why there are no atheist apologetics. Well, there is Bertrand Russell's "Why I am not a Christian", but that's besides the point.

    If someone were to ask:

    "Who can give me proof positive that X doesn't exist?" I'd have to look everywhere (and who is to say that X is watching my every move and slipping on by me while my back is turned...).

    Quite frankly it's a ridiculous idea trying to convince a JW of anything. Any JW who can be "saved" will hit the internet, or just think about things a bit and realize after a time that he or she has three choices: 1. Get a lobotomy, 2. Ropadope pretending to be JW and live the best life you can, 3. Quit the whole mess and NEVER let anyone you know that you had anything to do with it. The only ones who can appreciate your temporary insanity will be others who were likewise temporarily insane.

  • sd-7

    People who have the truth allow you to ask whatever questions you see fit without reservation. People who do not make sure such questions are stifled and silenced.

    People who have the truth, if they're Christians, focus on Jesus. People who do not get a little uncomfortable if you talk about him too much.

    People who have the truth TELL the truth, even when it's uncomfortable. People who do not tend to find creative ways to minimize or even deny their mistakes or just plain mix a lie in with the truth as it serves their purposes.

    People who have the truth recognize that truth is not subject to copyright. People who do not believe they alone have the truth, Patent Pending.

    People who have the truth have the truth in their past, present, and future. People who do not have 'truth' only in the present.

    'Nuff said.

  • blondie

    What is the truth?

    Some people argue that one can know something is true and, therefore, not an opinion, if it is supported by credible reasons and evidence. The problem with this argument, according to Joseph Campbell, noted philosopher and author of such esteemed works as The Power of Myth, is that each truth is relevant in its own time. (Guerin, 1992) What Campbell means is that what is accepted as fact and, therefore, truth can change because the reasons and evidence offered in support of that fact have changed, and when reasons and evidence cease to be valid, they lose their credibility. As a result, what was once true becomes untrue.

    How and Why Truth Changes

    Before the fifteen century, people believed the earth was flat, and they believe this based upon the accepted “credible” reasons and evidence of the times, for example:

    • Religious leaders said the earth was flat;
    • Educational leaders said the earth was flat;
    • The majority of scientific experts said the earth was flat;
    • Stories had been passed down from generation to generation, supporting the idea that the earth was flat, and;
    • If a person looked toward the horizon, he or she could clearly see that the earth was flat. (Chaffee, 2000)

    Today, however, people believe the earth is round based upon other accepted “credible” reasons and evidence, for example:

    • Great thinkers and scientists like Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo demonstrated the earth is round by studying the heavens;
    • Adventurers, for example Columbus and Magellan, proved the earth is round by navigating its oceans;
    • When flying in an airplane, people can observe the horizon and how it changes, and;
    • Actual photographs taken from space clearly show the spherical shape of Earth. (Chaffee, 2000)
    Why People Accept Opinion as Fact

    People often accept opinion as fact because they do not make the effort to examine either their own thinking or that of other people, especially those individuals seen as “authority figures,” for example, parents, teachers, church leaders, government officials, talk-radio personalities, newscasters, etc.

    As a result, people blindly accept what they have always been told or what they are now being told as being fact or “the truth.”

    Recognizing the Difference Between Opinion and Fact

    One way for people to recognize opinion, as opposed to fact, is for them to ask themselves why they believe something is true? Is it because someone whom they respect told them it was true? Is it because they have always believed it to be true? Is it because a radio or TV personality said it was true? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, people need to examine what they have been accepting as fact by doing the following:

    • Consider the evidence provided in support of that “fact;”
    • Ask if the evidence is credible or if it is perhaps biased;
    • Ask if the evidence is distorted by prejudice and/or personal perception, and;
    • Ask if this “fact” was once considered true but has now been proven false.

    In summary, people can learn to identify fact (truth) as opposed to opinion if they are willing to take the time to examine what they believe. Of course, they must be prepared to face the possibility that what they have always believed to be true is instead a lie and always has been.


    • Chaffee, J. (2000) Thinking Critically: Sixth Edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
    • Guerin, W. (1992) A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
    • Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (2005) New York: Simon and Schuster.

    Read more at Suite101: What Is Truth?: How to Recognize the Difference Between Fact and Opinion

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