Hubby told me that a mob of dubs got out of a mini van across from our house while i was at work yesterday (why do they always come when I am not home?)
An older brother and his son saw him in garage and came up to talk. Hubby being the polite guy he is, just listened.
Hubby told him about my background and why I left. He told the JW that the biggest problem I had with it was all the changes over the years and the big A.
So this guy actually ADMITS that this mistake of 1975 was actually published (and this is where the good part starts) but that the GB members that were responsible for this fiasco were kicked out of Bethel because of this mistake. WTF?????
Hubby continued to challenged the W and go toe to toe with him all the time trying to remember the word I told him to use if the JWs ever come around. For the life of him he could not remember the work APOSTATE! LOL
He told me to write it on a sticky note and put inside of door so he could refer to it next time they came!