Yes Brother Knorr is 105 today. Care to give your regards?
Nathan H. Knorr is 105 years old todayY
by zadok777 11 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome -
ummm - that was what you picked for your introductory post here?
Well, let's sing "Happy Birthday" and have a toast to him, pass the cigars and birthday cake, then we can take him to the racetrack and the strip joint.
Welcome to the forum.
The Bethel Boys are aroused.
How is it being a "new boy" in heaven now, Nathan,,are you are being treated like you treated the Brooklyn Bethel 'new boys.' (Kind of like 'I brought you in and I can knock you out of here in a flash' attitude)? I don't know how to do Outlaw's little laughing dog.
Poor Brother Knorr, he did not get to see the generation of 1914 get an earthly paradise.
Of course he is alive in heaven, enjoying the present system of things on the earth.
zadok777, you have a PM
Marvin Shilmer
Knorr was born in a little place called Bethlehem.
I gotta believe that somewhere in the innards of Bethel there must be some theological significance (i.e., anti-contra-typical-antitype) attached to that bit of trivia.
Marvin Shilmer
I always think of the Knorr-Swiss line of products when I hear his name: