They will be queing up to join after a request like that.
Longtime Lurkers?
by Bluegill 18 Replies latest jw friends
Judge Dread
Since late 2005.
Judge Dread
I lurked for a long time, too.
But this site has been instrumental to a mentally healthy "out" for me.
I've been reading here for more than three years. After I joined a few months ago you couldn't shut me up!
i've been an on and off short-time lurker, and this site is therapy for me, just reading others' posts. I laugh, i feels like there is an understanding here like nowhere else. Its been so nice to lurk and get a fix of laughter at the painful insanity that once was our lives. sometimes i have found myself in the fetal position in my ovrwhelming sorrow as i grieve the family i have lost , i am dead to them, but still my heart beats..
thank you, whoever created this website, thank you..
A hug to you, freeflying faerie.
I lurked for about 2 days before signing up and joining in.
Darth plaugeis
Come to Dark Side.... It is your destiny.
plus it's fun
"BTW, how is it possible to have been on this forum for 6 years, and only have 8 posts?"
Bluegill Think of a recovering alcoholic. There are different rates of recovery. Some do it faster that others. Some deny they need assistant. Some are afraid to come forward to admit they are alcoholic in need assistance. All of us in one way or another, have been exposed to the potent WTS cool aid over the years. I think this site has been a kind of a therapy to many as they struggled to overcome the devastating effects of many years of brainwashing and mind control. That is it.