You are a JW and realy into the truth. You come home a little early than expected and you find ether husband or wife sufring the net for porn sites and they realy look like there realy into it.
What would you do.
by is there help out there 12 Replies latest jw friends
well my ex wife(now df'd) likes to look at porn videos while she was a witness.
To answer your question, I really do not care.
As a non jw, I don't really care. Unless he spends more time online then he does with me then that would be a problem.
As a JW I probably would have sat down beside him to get a good look myself, if it was straight stuff, as I'd never seen such things but was always curious.
Now in real life as a jw I did come home early and caught hubby watching porn, porn.
Now that was a problem.
Have a normal female reaction
I'd sleep in the guest bedroom and cry cry cry..... vow to punish him by never having sex with him again(forget that vow after a week and half).
The next day I will go back and forth between being mad/betrayed and feeling insecure.....
Spend the third day feeling mean.......go shopping-- serious shopping
Fourth til eighth day wearing garters and stockings under my FS dresses and flirting with other men...... while barely saying two words to him.
Sorry, I know many will think that is immature but it is my honest reaction.....
( I ...'in theory' ...realize my husband has probably done this tonight while I was at the ballet with the girlz, but this type of behavior falls under the do not need to know subject....better to allow me to live in my little world of adorable puppies, flowers and butterflies)
i would not care....however...i would probably insist that he can watch whatever he wants,,,as long as we watch them together... he would be happy and i would feel secure...and if he refused...well,,,,the police would be looking for a penis that had been thrown out the window!!
oh,,you said really into the truth...opps...gave wrong answer....
i wouldn't say anything to anyone about it,,,,and probably just say jehovah is watching him,,,and what he is doing is between the two of them...and then i would not bring it up again...maybe in 2 or 3 months to see how things are going...i know,,,i should be really angry...but i just wouldn't be as long as everything was ok,,between the 2 of us.....
I like you peaches except the penis part.
Darth plaugeis
Hahaha My ex JW wife walked in and saw me watching Porn.
Hahaha My ex JW wife walked in and saw me watching Porn.
Ween in hand?
Darth plaugeis
She told all our neighbors all the Witnesses. She told me I had committed Adultery for watching porn. I was sex grounded for months. Grown man being punished by withholding sex. Today I watch Porn and my Non JW wife jumps in bed with me going oooohhhhhhh nice. I must say saving yourself for Marriage was so worth it. I wasted so many years.