I know her heart is in the right place but seriously. I just got a phone call from her. She wanted to read me today's daily text. It reminded her of me because it was about those who grew up as jws, got baptized, and later left. At first, she asked me something. I can't remember what it was but I told her I didn't want to get into a discussion. So she read me the text and then asked me if I wanted to stop serving God altogether. So I had to tell her again that I didn't want to get into a discussion. Then she apologized for putting me on the spot and I'm thinking, "Yeah right. That's what you're trained to do. Put me on the spot and to try to get me to confess my thoughts. That's what cults do." So she starts telling me that she's so concerned about me and she wants me to come back so I don't get destroyed at armageddon and she wants me to be in paradise. Then, she started telling me about how my dad's downfall was that he allowed himself to become spiritually weak. WTF? My dad just died a few months ago! Why would she say that to me? I thought that my mom was the one I was going to have problems with but she's actually handling it pretty good. My aunt is the one who's been bothering me the most. Not that my mom doesn't talk to me about coming back but she's much better about it than my aunt. Sorry but I needed to rant. Thanks for reading.
My aunt is psycho
by doublelife 10 Replies latest jw friends
cult classic
Hey doublelife - no need to be sorry. we're all here for each other. It's really strange how they never call to see how you're doing as a person isn't it? I will never understand that. field service 101 is to take a personal interest in the householder, right? but they lose all manners when dealing with someone who stops associating. It really is about them proving or validating what they are doing. If you stop going it makes them question their decision to stay on some level. So if they get you to return they can breath a sigh of relief...........know what I mean? Hang in there.
Cult Classic
Crazy people are crazy. My whole family is is nuttier than a pot of boiled peanuts.
Oh, and avoid toxic relationships.
White Dove
My mom sounds like your aunt. I don't talk to my mom much because she is so full of negative energy. It just brings me down and brings out my worst.
There are a lot of people who could be described as being mentally unbalanced,
who read the bible and are part of a religious group, it kind of goes with the territory.
In reality the only demons that they are in fear of are only in their head.
This is just one of many aspects thats unfortunate about religion.
You could introduce her to my mom and they could form a club for the religiously obsessed. We'll get them all matching jackets.
so is mine! Maybe we're cousins?
So she starts telling me that she's so concerned about me and she wants me to come back so I don't get destroyed at armageddon and she wants me to be in paradise.
@ that point in the conversation I usually say, "No, you just realize you will be bloodguilty if you don't keep nagging me about it. You're just doing it to save yourself from being murdered by your god."
Once you've said you don't want to discuss it, and she continues, politely say, "This is the end of this conversation, and I'm hanging up now. Goodbye." And then hang up.
OH GOD,,,can't fix stupid,,,,and you can't fix true craziness!!!! hang in there....