Yesterday I went to the local Mc donalds for breakfast and sat next to the window closest to the sidewalk. and see a tribe of jw's heading to the kingdum hall about a mile away. What caught my eye was an older jw using a WALKER CANE AND STOPPING ABOUT EVERY 10 FEET. It was clear to see this old lady could barely walk to her mail box. let alone walk over a mile to the hall. About 25 minutes later I stop at an other store about 3 blocks from the MC Donalds, and as I'm going to my car I see the same tribe of jw's walking down the Avenue. So I stopped and asked " none? of you have a car to drive GRANDMA jw to the hall? One jw guy stepped up and said they are doing the preaching work. I looked him straight in the eye and told him " i've been watching your group walk down this busy avenue and not one of you jw's TRIED TO PREACH OR GIVE A WT MAG TO ANY OF THE 100'S OF PEOPLE THAT HAVE PASSED YOU BY." ALL YOUR DOING IS COUNTING TIME TRYING TO PUT GRNDMA IN A WHEELCHAIR. I offered to drive Grandma to the hall, they laughed, I told them " you keep pushing grandma like this and she will not need a car ride to the hall. But a HEARST TO TAKE HER TO HER GRAVE. There was more said but after talking to the Grandma, I think she would have enjoyed the ride to the hall. johnny
wt cruelty to sickly older jw's in field service yesterday
by judge rutherFRAUD 15 Replies latest jw friends
Broken Promises
Hopefully the fact that you said something might make at least one of them think about their brotherly “love”.
JUDGE- That is awesome you offered Grandma a ride to the kingdom hall. The WT society and witnesses will continue to beat these people into the ground- whether sick, older, lame- whatever their condition. It is a heartless cult. Good job John. Maybe your comments will make the younger JW's think down the road
Mall Cop
Johnny, we use to have a special needs day for the elderly when I was serving. That day was tuesday 1 pm. Book study was done and then 1 hour of handing out tracts and invitations to our hall. I took the lead on this as I was off on tuesdays
I would take the elderly outside in the good weather and we would stay on the corners, no long walking tours, just hanging near the house so bathroom needs could be close by.
What if that grandma needed to use the bathroom? Who would assist her and where?
As an elder in the local area I was charged with the care of arranging visits to the sick and elderly in hospitals etc.
I would never let that grandma walk all that way. I would stay by her side untill just before she got tired and then had her sit down and I would get the car and take her from there.
Good job in exposing them for their uncaring attitude toward the elderly.
JudgeR- I have just the ride for that JW grandma, to the KH, too. You sure called them out on their fake preaching work!!- Two JW women came by our house last Wednesday- I wasn't home and my wife just told them, "we're Jewish" and that was the one answer that always seems to send JW's back to the sidewalk without any protest. Just as well, as The JW's don't need to be able to connect my face with my home address.
I've always found that saying 'We're Druids." works too. They haven't a clue what to do with that...or "Wiccan" or "Pagans" works pretty well too. Voodoo?
To them, that means Satanic and they about kill themselves getting away from da Debil.
JWs have been brainwashed into believing there's nothing more important than the "preaching" work. Or perhaps I should say 'counting time' because very few JWs actually preach. If that elderly woman collapsed in the street, dying, they'd probably continue their "preaching" and leave it up to some "worldly" person to call an ambulance.
White Dove
Good for you! That was inexcusable what they did! Sadly, it's replayed in halls around the world. What did Jesus say about putting rules before people and asses stuck in ditches? Sick.
If that elderly woman collapsed in the street, dying, they'd probably continue their "preaching" and leave it up to some "worldly" person to call an ambulance
And you would hear the experience at the next assembly,
"sister uncaredfore preached the good news until she dropped dead! Shouldn't we all follow her fine example!"
I'm sure her family would be very proud and have bragging rights at all the JW events.
judge rutherFRAUD
- Flipper; yes they were clearly beating this old lady into the grave as I saw it, it was so bad that they could do an AWAKE ARTICLE About her 2 mallcop; good for you that at least you helped out sick jw's Moshe; I loved the Munsters tv show and their car Which i think is a 362 /462lincoln i forget. jw's are scared shit of jews that know their old testament lol. just the pass over dinner with jesus is enough to make jw's heads spin . I did try to do the right thing with this jw Grandma and plant a few seeds for all I know they may have killed her walking to and fro from the hall.