Fake Jws

by XPeterX 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    The common JW has no idea how many FAKE, filthy, immoral, lying JW's they are sitting next to in that assembly hall. There are MANY

    Very true, I knew adulterates , fornicators , druggies, alcoholics, crooked businessmen, closet homosexuals.

    There is an outside image that the organization is clean, but in reality some JWS were wost than the so called wordily people they pointed a finger at.

    A terrible display of hypocrisy within the organization.

  • daringhart13

    You're right thetrueone,

    I often just laugh at them. I was dating a 'fringe' sister..... lets just say she isn't 'chaste'..... but she would be all over me about 'getting back to meetings'...........

    .....I was like 'huh?".......

    They are absolutely clueless. Their presence is a complete waste of time. Its amazing how many of them are living completely different lives outside that KH.

  • ana_dote

    I did it to become less of a "loser" in my own eyes, basically. I did it so I could become a pioneer. Pioneers were supposedly hot sh*t. I wanted to be popular, a good example, a fine associate, respectable, etc. Without it I was just a run of the mill publisher kid. Without it, nobody paid attention to me or cared (not that they really changed much in that area AFTER I was a pioneer, but still...). When I was a pioneer I could puff out my chest with pride and say "I'm a pioneer!" and everyone would magically assume I was AMAZING. When you grow up being torn down, that's a mighty appealing offer. So I went for it.

    One thing I've come to have an issue with over the last year or so, though...that I never really thought about before...is how the witnesses practically make fun of infant baptisms because the child can't possibly know anything about making a conscious decision to serve God. As a JW, I would simply say that such baptisms were "stupid" without caring if I was being disrepectful or not, because obviously those people didn't have "the truth" and therefore it didn't matter what they thought/felt. My issue NOW, though, is this: HOW MANNNNY people get baptised as JW's at SUCH a young age??? I mean seriously. Is 14 really an age at which a person can make a lifelong committment to something and know full well what they're doing???? I DON'T THINK SO!!! And THEN! If you're not baptised by the age of 15, practically, everone is asking you why not! JESUS WASN'T BAPTISED UNTIL HE WAS LIKE 30 (sue me, I can't remember exactly when lolol). The point is that he was a FULL GROWN ADULT. By EVERYONE'S standards! There is NO WAY ON EARTH that a 10-15 year old CHILD can make the decision of an ADULT. If you are not legally allowed to drive, smoke, vote, drink, WHATEVER....what on earth makes you think you are capable of devoting your entire being to something that is so much more complex than human levels of adulthood????

    This is why you see so many late teens/early 20-somethings getting "tempted" and "screwing up". They made a ridiculously serious committment to something they could not possibly have understood the ramifications of.

    Had I, back then, had the mind I have today (or even the mind I had 5 years ago!) I highly doubt I would have even gotten baptised at all.

    One of my best friends growing up never got baptised and she got SO MUCH CRITICISM because of it. Even from me!!! I used to just ask her to get baptised...."just do it, pleeeeasssse!"....I'm glad she never listened. She was never fully convinced of certain things and I respect that so much more now that I, too, have awakened to the reality of the organization.

    um....oh wow...it seems I have gone off on a tangent ....

    woops. heehee!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I know what you mean XPETERX but they are not really fake. The reasons are wrong, but not fake. Of course when you have a religion that lies just about everything including its own history, there is no way to have a right reason.

    Me? I got baptized because I thought that at 17 I had reached the age when I could no longer "ride on the coat tails" of my parents. And that if Armaggedon came and I hadn't dedicated my life to Jehovah and gotten baptized I would surely be destroyed..............

    Cult Classic

    Edited: I went back and reread your post. I see what you're asking.......And yes as others said, there are many cases of getting baptized to get with some already baptized witness. But still I think even the fake jws think there is some truth to the religion so they might as well get dunked.

  • nelly136

    saying i didnt want to be a jw didnt work, so i got baptised during the 'try harder, throw yourself into it more' cure stage.

  • ziddina

    Crap! I was a fake JW...

    Got tired of being kicked/hit/slapped by my dad... And allowed myself to be stampeded into being baptised - instead of seeking out my 'worldly' relatives and getting the hell outta Dodge... Still regret losing all that time to the cult...

    NOW I'm a REAL person, though!!

    Zid as

  • peaches

    oh god,,,,,(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hugs for all of you )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • bluecanary

    I was 12. The other kids who were entertaining thoughts of baptism were receiving positive attention and I wanted me some of that.

  • Denial

    i got baptized in an attempt to impress my girlfriend that i was "spiritual" because some hot shot young MS with a steady factory job, car, and apartment was trying to steal her away from me while i was getting ready to go to university. that dude won in the end though: she dumped me, saying "i need someone more spiritually minded."

  • Balsam

    I saw some people get baptized and I felt they were fakes. Looking back I think probably 1/3 of the witnesses I knew were just hanging on the fringe of the witness group for what ever reason. I think if they could have maintained their family association I believe many would have left.

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