by iknowall558 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • iknowall558
  • darthfader

    I'm with Blondie on this.. I watched him on Bones and "Googled" him -- pretty amazing and intelligent guy!

  • VoidEater

    Check out "Fry and Laurie" - Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie ("House"), along the lines of Monty Python but more intellectual - where I first saw him. He's also in some of the "Black Adder" series with Rowan Atkinson (as is Hugh Laurie). Then there's Peter's Friends (film, Hugh Laurie also appears) and Last Chance to See (a Douglas Adams connection).

  • cantleave

    Stephen Fry, Hugh Lawrie and Rowan Atkinson have been so much part of my culture, from "not the 9 O clock News" in the late 70's I forget that they are relatively unknown in other parts of the world.

  • llbh

    The Blonde lady is Anne Widdecombe a conservative politician and convert to Catholicism. The Black Guy is John Sentamu I think, the Anglican Archbishop of York - not too sure though.

    Do not forget also that Fry is Jewish by birth and homosexual, which is quite germane to the discussion, homosexuality being anathema to the Catholic Church.

    Fry's wit, humanity and intellect are shown to great effect here, his arguments are quite incontrovertible, that is why faith is so useful.


  • maputo95

    Fry is a shrill atheist and very anti-Church because of his own sexuality and his ire at the Church calling it a "disorder". He did come out with a few spurious points or simplifications but got away with them in his emotive delivery. His opposition could have been better. He has had an "interesting" life, see any source, incl Wikipedia. I wish him well and am glad he can express his views publically. I am not a fan of his houmour as I'm more a Frankie Boyle fan.

  • finallysomepride

    Been watching Stephen Fry, Hugh Lawrie & Rowan Atkinson in 'Not The Nine O'clock News" & other comedy shows since the 70's in New Zealand & Australia.

  • Keith Agar
    Keith Agar

    For those who remember P.G.Wodehouse the 20th century humourist and his characters "Jeeves and Wooster", Hugh Lawrie and Stephen Fry made the perfect actors in the TV series of the same name presently being shown in Australia.

    It is an old series and both are very young but it stands up well being a period piece from the 1920's

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I am old enough to remember Stephen Fry when he was a contestant on University Challenge, back in the days of Bamber Gasgoine! Fond memories for U.K. members!


  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    What a wonderfully eloquent man and so correct in his observations.

    If only more people had the balanced view he has the world would be a much more peaceful place without the control of religion and crazy unquestioned beliefs and actions of the 'believers'.

    Well done Stephen


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