Thanks for the complements FLIPPER…
There were many “gems” in my circuit assembly. The district and the circuit overseers were exactly the same persons. Same tone, same charisma almost the same speech pattern. They used a lot derogatory terms to refer to the apostate, calling them animals, beasts, dogs, fleshly men, rats, fools, and of course demon possessed. There was a sketch/demonstration showing a brother using a social-network website and the internet to find information about the WT, his name was brother “gullible” his father’s name wasbrother “overly confident”, they were both mocked.
They called academics and financial goals a false dream and an illusion. Because those “things have made some of our brothers leave our Real Home…The Organization” (those were the exact words from the speaker).
One of the talks mentioned that doubts, bad association, materialism, technology, cell phones, computers, etc have become or could become a danger to our “spirituality”. That if we perceive that those things are affecting us, to act in accordance to the advice from the GB/FDS, “IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH” (exact words from the speaker).
Another thing that I noticed was that in certain talks they raised the volume to extremely high levels, specifically for the public talk.
Oh…also they said that we might know some FADERS that have wandered off the flock who might appear to be doing well financially and looking happy and content! My jaw dropped for like the 1,000 th time when I heard this.
Again, this is what played out in my circuit…but it was actually fun to hear and notice the GB’s desperation, I read to my wife selected portions of Steve Hassan’s (combating…) chap 4 & 5 and she said… “those things described what I’ve been noticing…and that’s what this assembly was all about”. (Pg 78 Doctrine is reality, Pg 80 Elitist Mentality, Pg 82 Manipulation through Fear and Guilt.)
But after I read the following quote to my wife, she stopped for a moment to think and meditate…I noticed that something sunk in her mind:
Pg 45 parg. 4 “What do phobias have to do with cult groups and mind control? In some cults, members are systematically made to be phobic about ever leaving the group. Today’s cults know how to effectively implant vivid negative images deep within member’s unconscious minds, making it impossible for the member to ever conceive of ever being happy and successful outside of the group. (bold mine).
So keep’em coming WT…LOL