are Satanists planning a 9/11
by Weeping 20 Replies latest jw friends
There has been an aviation alert in the United States, after a Delta Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Florida was diverted to New Mexico after a passenger went berserk and called on Satan.
Officials say he sprayed the first-class cabin with a water bottle, tried to open a cabin door and threatened to blow up the aircraft, until the crew and passengers subdued him and the plane made an emergency landing.
A 46-year-old man, named as Stanley Dwayne Sheffield has been taken into federal custody and has made an initial appearance in court, charged with interference with flight crew and attempted destruction of an aircraft.
The man reportedly shouted that Satan should get behind him as he tried to open the aircraft's door.
The next time I fly, I'm going to carry a small bottle of Holy Water with me.
The man reportedly shouted that Satan should get behind him as he tried to open the aircraft's door.
He quoted Jesus at Matthew 16:23:
Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."
~Sue -
White Dove
Then, it sounds like Satan was trying to save the plane.
Just because someone says something about Satan or even calls on his name doesn't mean that person is a Satanist.
My neighbor is a Anton LaVey Satanist. They are atheists that don't believe in the Bible God or Satan. It's a quite positive belief system for him. Nicest neighbor one could have, too.
Then, there are the other kinds, some okay some not okay.
Why would they bother? Satanists are all geeky teenagers who like metal.
(I just CAN'T resist!!! )
Yes, honey, they're ALL out to get'cha!!
In fact, here's one of them now...
(The DEVIL made me do it...)
White Dove
I was curious about what my neighbor was into, so I Googled Satanism and found out.
He's not a teenager nor does he play his music loudly.