unsure about coldplay

by Weeping 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • goldensky

    I'm trying to copy and paste the song Viva la Vida, that I LOVE, but I can't... I don't know what it is in that song that makes me vibrate...

  • mrsjones5
  • BurnTheShips


    Satan plays a pretty wicked guitar!

  • Lozhasleft

    Yes they are very Satanic, I heard that they all drink the blood of a goat before they

    perform on stage and quote a verse out of the Satanic bible.

    Their name means playing up on earth before they enter hell.

    Ha ha ha ha ...

    I've had my suspicions ever since Chris Martin married Gwyneth Paltrow. I think she is the antichrist.

    Ha ha ha..

    I heard that if you buy one of there CD's that sometimes at night in turns into a demon and tries to choke you while your sleeping. So just don't keep any of their CD's in the house.

    Lololol...you guys crack me up...you really do...

    Loz x

  • goldensky

    Aaaaahhhhhhh!!! THANK YOU, mrsjones5!!! You are a sweetheart.


    ColdPlay should be placed in a microwave..On high..For 1 1/2 minutes..

    Once ColdPlay is Hot..It`s suitable for consumption..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • transhuman68

    If I have offended any Coldplay fans out there... I'm sorry,O.K?

  • mindmelda
  • mindmelda
  • EmptyInside

    I'll admit it, I like Coldplay and even went to a Coldplay concert. I'm part of a coven now. Anyway, I read an interview with Chris Martin and he had a strict religious upbringing. It "evidently" explains why there is a lot of religious references in their music.

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