My kitty is having kittens soon and Im stressing about it. Advice?

by WuzLovesDubs 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    My advice is hefty bags doubled up with a minimum of two bricks. Double knot it tightly and make sure that the water under the bridge is good and deep. Do it at night so the cops don't catch you...


    Most animals can pretty much take care of that crap on their own, give them a nice warm dry spot and they can handle it from there.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I noticed that PetSmart has a special on shots. A vet comes in and gives the little animals their shots for much cheaper than a vet.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Nothing extra to add but LOL @ Blondie!

  • Simon

    Cats normally do OK by themselves

    We've had a few cats that had kittens, never any problem

  • truthlover

    I had a nice place for my cat when she was pregnant and she picked her own -- my linen closet when the door was left ajar -- the bottom section on the carpeted floor -- I remember my grandmother telling me her cats used to climb under the sheets and had their kittens - so its up to the cat where ever they find dark, safe places to have their babies is where she will go...

    There was no mess -the kitties were clean and the mama was very affectionate with them..

    Your going to be a grammy

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