Did you carry any No Blood paraphernalia around?

by cult classic 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I never really carried anything on me. It was always fun getting the card signed and all (a welcome change of pace at the service meeting). But I always thought it looked too weird to have that in my wallet. I also don't think I ever really thought I would use it. I had a cousin die from refusing blood and my little sister had a near miss with the whole blood issue when we were kids. So I was never quite comfortable with the No Blood directive.

    Remember the No Blood necklaces and bracelets?.......ROFL.

    What a bunch of weirdos.

    Cult Classic

  • mindmelda

    No I just use tissues. *G*

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I always carried it on me. I was fully brainwashed so I would have felt guilty if I went anywhere without it.

    Once I left, I learnt the real story about the whole blood doctrine and destroyed the little card. It felt very liberating to tear it into small pieces.

  • mentallyfree31

    I carried it and had it prominently displayed in my wallet for 20 years and two days to be exact. The day I cut it up, I took pictures of it laying in the garbage can all sliced up.

  • 5thGeneration
  • GLTirebiter

    I carry my donor ID card from the blood bank. It saves a lot of paperwork every 8 weeks.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I carried it with me the meeting after the assembly I was baptized at in 1986.

    I put the card through the shredder in 2006.

  • lesabre

    haha... i still have mine in my wallet.... oooops.

  • doublelife

    I carried my card in my wallet until just about two months ago. Then, I put it in the shredder.

  • teel

    I usually carried it with me, except when I had no pockets to put it in. I didn't put much significance to it, it was just a JW requirement like any else, and I went along with it the best I could, all the while hoping I'll never need it (I still hope I won't be in a situation when it would be used, but for other reasons).

    About half a year ago I put it down definitely. I won't shred it, just to have a reminder what can this cult do to someone.

    Lol 5thG, can anyone actually be that brainwashed to wear one of those?

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