gb, sound like a lot of fun with regexps :-). Do you plan to get the raw commands by scraping tech-blogs?
Datamining the WT CD (II): Acts 15:28-29 on blood through the years
by bohm 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
bohm - you have a PM!
Mad Sweeney
Just for clarification, these citation search results are from Watchtower articles only? Or all publications in a given year including books, Awakes, KMs, etc.?
Yeah, that's the idea bohm. I would just like to shortcut the process. I know what I'm trying to do is already being done by google, and others, however google simply won't hand over their data!
mad s. : only the watchtower. I plan to do something similar with asleep. right now i am evaluating what i have and what i wish to accomplish. i had kindof expected some stronger trends, i must admit.
besty - pm
Mad Sweeney
And these are citations, not just quotations, right?
mad, sorry that i am unclear: i search for occurences of strings such as matthew 2:5, revelation 4:6, etc.
matthew 4:1 and matt. 4:1 are both counted as the same.