min, I take it you are speaking from a position of experience, having eaten it yourself.
What "Bad" Food Do You Enjoy That You Know Is Bad For You?
by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends
cult classic
I absolutely LOVE my mexican wedding and oatmeal cookies. They are the BEST in the whole wide world.
I think I'll go bake some now.
Cult Classic
Scarred for life
There are many. But ice cream is the one I eat the most often.
I've served it too, Blondie.
This is the Best Bad Food..
Thank God..I have to drive 4 hours to get to a KFC..
I won`t be dieing of a heart attack anytime soon..
....................... ...OUTLAW
This thread has given me US food envy...
Loz x
bacon on buttered bread -and then more of it -then with the bacon fat, fry eggs in it - now tHAt is what I call SINFUL
Fudge - maple flavored, melt-in-your-mouth, fudge.
Probably not bad for you in moderation, but I buy a pack of fudge and then I eat the whole thing in one day. Sometimes in one morning, and then my stomach hurts for days. I think of what happens when you put sugar in a gasoline tank, and imagine that happening to my stomach, and I stop buying fudge for a while.
Then my fear fades, I feel better, and do it again.