C'mon...THAT WAS funny.
I Think Terry Over Analyzes Too Much
by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends
Let me over analyze this:
A person can often become hypercritical if he was raised in a very stressful situation or with hypercritical parents. In high stress homes, he could develop over-analyzing as a self-protection — hoping to analyze situations carefully so they won’t cause trouble. Being hypercritical is more than pessimism — it’s being unable to accept things at face value and enjoy them. In reality, everything is made of stardust — but it doesn’t make sense to reduce a rose, a loved one, a sunset, or a snowflake to that level.
This person may typically be experiencing a depression. A loss of interest, lack of pleasure in things, and inability to see joy is common in depression. Depressed folks not only over-analyze, but their mind goes 100 mph, and they think catastrophically. Depressed brains contaminate thoughts and over-work until they have pulled the joy, interest, and motivation from daily experiences. If someone has always been an over-analyzer — depression makes it even worse. Depression and stress amplify the normal personality characteristics so the person may actually be triple-analyzing now. The question ceases to be whether the glass is half full or half empty, it’s why bother thinking about that since we’re all going to die in a meteor impact anyway and return to stardust.
Blue Grass
Be very careful minimus!!! Criticizing Terry on this board is a big no no. When I expressed my own opinion about some of Terry's threads I got attacked by damn near everyone on this site. I was called a troll, got cursed out and everything. I wonder if you'll get the same treatment?
Mad Sweeney
The great thing about Terry's posts are that they provoke EVEN MORE thought than he puts into them. I wouldn't trade the guy for 1000 monkeys.
cult classic
minimus --- I like that you guys question/analyze things a lot. For some reason it gives me something deeper to think on for a bit. Almost like a puzzle. I don't always reply or think the thread is important but I enjoy exercising my brain on subjects not usually discussed.
rockmehardplace ---- LOL, I hear you. Sometimes I can't get a reply within a thread.......lol
OTWO ---- that is one of the most interesting things I have read in a long time. I'm looking for ways to fix my thinking and repair my outlook on life. This makes sense ...........Thank you.
Cult Classic
1000 monkeys?? That's a lotta monkeys!
Terry's perspectives are detailed and his explanations are thorough. He's very smart. But the trade-off for a thousand monkeys is a tough one.
Mad Sweeney
If they're trained monkeys then I'd make the trade. Wild monkeys? I'd have to stick with Terry.
keyser soze
So it's OK to overanalyze in moderation?
My thought exactly. If Terry really overanalyzed he would tell you your thread title was redundant.
hmmm.....trained monkeys, huh? I see your point!