Why would God stop man from building a tower that reached into the "heavens" and yet let modern man reach even further with a space station and moon landings?

by StoneWall 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JWoods
    Gods intervention in the early history of humankind was much more so then today.

    Indeed. In fact, the ancient Greek and Roman gods do not intervene with those lands nearly so much today as they are written to have done prehistorically.

  • journey-on

    I look at that story allegorically. The Tower of Babel story could be looked at this way: The universal force that powers our physical and spiritual evolution seeks diversity within a species. Man is no different. It's those differences that move us and generate the forward motion, bringing color and interest and enjoyment to our life experience. The trick is learning how to work within those differences without the power struggles and prejudices that sabotage unity.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    He didn't.

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    Because it's a Myth. Not that it devalues the story, it actually makes it more interesting.


  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    I would answer this question but I see it was already answered twice yet everyone ignored it which leads me to believe no one is actually looking for an answer but just using this as an opportunity to bash the Bible.

    Blue Grass

  • Gregor

    Why would the big bad wolf huff and puff and blow the little pigs?

    Why would little Miss Muffet set on a tuffet eating her turds away?

    Why would little Jack Horner set in a corner and stick his thumb in and ...etc?

    These are all serious questions for the ages .

  • jaguarbass

    Man in the past was very advanced. The Indians were flying airplanes before

    Jesus. The Indians had cracked the atom. Before Jesus.

    Sodom and Gomorah was a nuclear explosion.

    These are all things I have read.

    Openheimer who led the US in developing the atomic bomb was a Sanscrit scholar.


    It is said that he got his information on making the atomic bomb from studying

    the indian text.

    Even when I was a JW back in the 50's and 60's I heard that man was very advanced

    before the flood.

    If your at all familiar with the bible. I mean if you have read it.

    Slave Species of God by Michael Tillinger will give you food for thought on

    many of the so called bible myths. Which may not be myths.

  • Paralipomenon

    An explanation is given in the Bible:

    Genesis 11:6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

    So it wasn't the tower that was a threat, it was all humanity working together.

    This was something I brought up to my parents. The wording was interesting. If God was saying that if humanity worked together there was NOTHING that they couldn't do, why create languages? Wouldn't that be a testament to a creator?

    I asked my parents this, my mom said that the reason we are here was to praise and worship Jehovah and these earthly pursuits would take us away from that.

    So many unanswered questions. I really don't know why I didn't lose my faith even earlier than I did.

  • crownboy

    That was the one story in the bible that made absolutely no sense to me as a little kid reading My Book of Bible Stories. I knew even as a very small child that humans were incapable of living outside the earth's atmosphere, so if the tower of Babel was built high enough the people wouldn't reach heaven but would die. So I didn't really understand why god would worry about it.

    Obviously, I know now that the whole thing was a fable.

  • DaCheech

    book of bible stories is banned from my household

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