Ebert: Why I Hate 3-D (And You Should Too)

by leavingwt 20 Replies latest social entertainment

  • leavingwt

    Roger Ebert. . .

    Why I Hate 3-D (And You Should Too)

    3-D is a waste of a perfectly good dimension. Hollywood's current crazy stampede toward it is suicidal. It adds nothing essential to the moviegoing experience. For some, it is an annoying distraction. For others, it creates nausea and headaches. It is driven largely to sell expensive projection equipment and add a $5 to $7.50 surcharge on already expensive movie tickets. Its image is noticeably darker than standard 2-D. It is unsuitable for grown-up films of any seriousness. It limits the freedom of directors to make films as they choose. For moviegoers in the PG-13 and R ranges, it only rarely provides an experience worth paying a premium for.

    That's my position. I know it's heresy to the biz side of show business. After all, 3-D has not only given Hollywood its biggest payday ($2.7 billion and counting for Avatar), but a slew of other hits. The year's top three films—Alice in Wonderland, How to Train Your Dragon, and Clash of the Titans—were all projected in 3-D, and they're only the beginning. The very notion of Jackass in 3-D may induce a wave of hysterical blindness, to avoid seeing Steve-O's you-know-what in that way. But many directors, editors, and cinematographers agree with me about the shortcomings of 3-D. So do many movie lovers—even executives who feel stampeded by another Hollywood infatuation with a technology that was already pointless when their grandfathers played with stereoscopes. The heretics' case, point by point:

    . . .


  • notverylikely

    I don't particularly care for 3-D, but Ebert can suck it for telling me what I should think. I've had enough of that to last a hundred lifetimes.

  • tec

    NVL - I think you've made that very clear :-)

    Personally, I like the option of 3-D. I'd never seen a 3D movie before last year, and I thought it was cool. BUT... I hate the added surcharge, (since there was none when they first came out here) and I would never be able to watch them all day long. My youngest can't even make it through one movie without getting headaches.


  • leavingwt

    Ebert can suck it for telling me what I should think

    Haha. He's a paid critic. He's made a career out of it.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I've been watching a lot of the new 3-d movies, they are fun.

    But they sacrifice story in lieu of things zooming off the screen at you.

    So they are only fun in small doses, imo.

  • notverylikely

    Haha. He's a paid critic. He's made a career out of it.

    At least he's honest about being biased :)

  • notverylikely

    NVL - I think you've made that very clear :-)

    I think you're a sweetheart :)

  • shamus100

    I don't like it either. And the chances of me buying $400.00 glasses and a new hdtv are basically zero.

    (just picture a crotchetey old man waving his cane in the air, cursing 3D TV)

    Kiss me!

  • teel

    He's the same guy who made a big controversy saying video games can't be art, right? Does he have something agains modern technology in general or something?

    I say it's good to have it as an option. Black and white pictures, or even movies (see Schindler's list) are still produced, and some critics were against color pictures too back then. As long as they're used correctly, any new technology can expand the creativity.

  • shamus100

    That is right, Teel. People did speak against colour televisions too - I still remember my parents having one of those relics in the basement...

    People can buy what they want. I don't wear glasses and never want to wear them again unless the sun is in my eyes. But the interesting thing about 3d TV is it could morph into something even more interactive and real. I say stay tuned... 3d isn't that great. What may come next could be really neat.

    But I don't buy that video games are art. They're just video games. I like plants vs. zombies personally.

    Kiss me!

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