Take a look at page nine of the new June 15th WT. At first glance, it appears to be a standard WT article extolling the safety and happiness of JW's in the KH.
"Many who today are members of the Christian congregation can tell you that before learning of and adopting Jehovah's righteous standards, they lived without moral restrain. Yet, they were unsatisfied and unhappy. They found peace only when they began associating with God's people and living in accord with Bible principles.
In contrast, some who in the past chose to leave the 'safe water' of the Christian congregation now bitterly regret that decision."
Why didn't the Watchtower use the word, most, instead of some? Using most would have had a much bigger impact, don't you agree?Certainly that is the impression JW's have, but that is not what the "fine print, truth in advertising" says. Evidently ( the WT loves that word) it is because the word, some is a lot better that the word they know best fits the actual circumstances of ex-JWs' here- and that word would be , few.
The WT should really say, "In contrast, a few who in the past chose to leave the 'safe water' of the Christian congregation now bitterly regret that decision"
The thinking JW (an oxymoron, I know) should realize that some ( in like, some people will win the lottery),
really means A SMALL PERCENTAGE, so that means on the flip side, that most ex-JW don't regret leaving the KH and That , is why they don't come back! Hell, they are Happy, la,la,la, and having a wonderful time on the outside! Let's all go to OutLaws place and get happy this weekend!-- We'll celebrate not being JW's!