Dissed, you bring out a good point.
the "unconscious class" ... do you think that we all go through such a step.
Being disenchanted, bored to death at meetings, hoping to be able to get
out of the KH as soon as the prayer is said? I did, I admit it, even if I was
going through the motions my heart wasn't in it. I hated the fact that there
were the pretty families who got all the attention, parts on meetings, and
no matter how hard you tried there was always something wrong with me.
Something to criticize, something to counsel on, talks on the school, dress
appropriately, watch what you say to whom. etc. etc.
Until I woke up. What really helped was reading a few chapters of Crisis of
Conscience online when these were accessible through Wikipedia as a link
from Ray Franz's article there. Then I had to read the whole thing. It changed
my perspective in a big way.