I wish you well for the future with your husband...
It seems he has used you as his 'sugar momma' even though you were much younger. Why was HE not working much? Because he found he could mould you to do it for him i suspect.
So, he is now 58 and thinking about retirement i am sure. I can almost guarentee that he gave no thought to providing for the future for you either. I know that the WTBS sets men up to be bad providers in this department. He will keep the staus quo and expect that you will keep working to support him because by the time YOU get to retire he will be in his 80s and maybe demented too. Me, i could live in a tent so to speak, but to expect my partner to do the same would be pure selfishness.
It is a sad fact of life that we teach people how to treat us. When somebody screws us over and we accept it, the other person reasons ' ok, thats how they like it'... not in so many words, but they get the message that thats how your lives will work. I learned that the hardway i can assure you!
Don't feel bad that you were young, and the problem is not so much about the age difference as his lack of consideration for you right from the start i suspect. He should have been delighting in watching his young wife blossom, take chances, grow and mature. Not using her as a prop for his life.
My wife (who was never a JW) is pissed of with your man... she says it's illegal to leave dogs and children in a car for long and what he has done is in her eyes abuse.
I am no counselor, i can only speak from my own experiences with marriage, divorce, new girlfriends and remarriage.
The question for you is what now? Will he change? Can you get him to read what you feel about him? Will he even hear you? If he is unable or unwilling to understand how you feel i suggest some counseling for yourself to find your way. It may be ironic, but you, even though younger than him, may have outgrown his childlike need for someone to look after him. Time for him to grow up.
you can pm me if you want to move off the thread on this sort of matter...