Jesus' second coming in 1919....What proof?

by hubert 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    Supposedly, according to the Watchtower teachings, Jesus came back in 1919 to examine all religions. (and of course chose the W.T. "religion" as the one closest to the "truth"). Is this correct?

    Well, what proof OUTSIDE THE WATCHTOWER TEACHINGS is there for this statement? Is there any? Any Bible basis for this second coming and inspection?

    If not, then how would a J.W. prove it ever happened?

    This is very important to me, because I want to ask a j.w. that I befriended, this question.

    Thanks for any advice.


  • bohm

    hubert, have you read Don Camerons book 'Captives of a concept'? you can buy it for 5 bucks as an ebook, and its all about the selection in 1919.

    The really good part is that they teach jesus choose them because of what they was teaching in 1919. That mean that all the old crap is highly relevant, for a starter, they was the only damn religion at the time NOT waiting for jesus to return because they thought that had happened in 1874...

  • JeffT

    You can prove it by the fact that he chose the WTBS to represent him.

    /sarcasm off/

  • hubert

    Thanks, Bonm. I bought "Captives of a Concept" by Don Cameron a few years ago, and read it thoroughly at the time. Looks like I need to re-read it.

    I still have it, bought it from "", I think, for that same amount. I will read it again.

    However, I doubt they used any bilblical evidence for their proof. Am I right?


  • thetrueone

    Nothing more but self supporting propaganda for the publishing company .

    If they claimed this, it would attract more attention to their literature which in reality it did.

    What would you do if you owned a publishing business that sold specifically religious literature ?

    The answer to that question is not hard to understand.

    As the adherents grew over time the incumbent power and money grew as well,

    making the men at the top of the proverbial Tower or Kingdom both quite powerful and arrogant

    to what they have built up.

    The self purposed acknowledgment in 1919 was a propagating element of marketing.

    In essence you could say it was Kingdom building.

  • hubert

    Then what would a j.w. give as an answer to "What proof is there that Jesus came back in 1919 and chose the Watchtower "religion" to be the one true relioion"?


  • thetrueone

    They usually say something like god poured his holy spirit upon the organization to receive bible truths

    and knowledge, this where the FDSL comes into play.

    Then again self promotion in support of the WTS's literature is a on going aspect of this publishing company

    this is the responsibility of the GB members and other lower level executives such as DO AND CO.

    They are selling true and pure spirituality separate from other religious organizations who are not

    in accordance to their marketing, its their selective style in the religious publishing game and its worked

    relatively well for them over the years.

  • bohm

    woops hubert, missed your post-count :-) .

    There are no biblical justification except the parable about the slave from matthew and luke that i am aware of, and the elder i asked that very question couldnt even explain that without help from the Insight book.

  • wobble

    Not one JW, elders included ,has ever been able to offer ANY proof for this whatsoever.

    The problem for them then is that the present day Governing Body claims its authority from this fictitious event. If it is not true they are just plain frauds.

    Of course 1919 depends on 1914 as well, 1914 having been blown out of the water a long time ago.

    Hubert, if you could get an active Dub to really look at this total tripe honestly, the would not be a Dub much longer.

    As Ray Franz said in C.O.C "it is an insult to Jesus to say he chose them on the basis of what they taught in 1919"

    Don't let them get away with that "closest to the truth " rubbish either, the Christadelphians were closer just to name one group.

    Point two above needs pressing home.


    p.s you have to keep them on topic and thinking logically, I have had them resort to "but look at how they have grown since" etc, don't then be side-tracked in to comparing growth with other groups,which can be done to no avail, point out that either they qualified to be chosen in 1919 or they didn't so where is the proof ?

  • moshe

    The WT uses circular reasoning and only the final answer matters to JW's

    Here is an example of circular reasoning that my grandfather told me over 50 years ago-

    Why is FIRE Engine RED in color?
    Ans :
    FIRE Engine has LADDER. LADDER has STEPS.
    STEPS are climbed on FOOT.
    FOOT is measured by a RULER.
    RULER can be a KING or QUEEN.
    ELIZABETH is also the name of a SHIP.
    SHIP sails on WATER.
    FISHES have FINS.
    The people of FINLAND are called FINS.
    The Fins fought the RUSSIANS in WW2

    Russians are called REDs.
    Fire Engines are always 'RUSHIN' around so that is why the are RED.

    This story would make logical sense to a JW.

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