Not one JW, elders included ,has ever been able to offer ANY proof for this whatsoever.
The problem for them then is that the present day Governing Body claims its authority from this fictitious event. If it is not true they are just plain frauds.
Of course 1919 depends on 1914 as well, 1914 having been blown out of the water a long time ago.
Hubert, if you could get an active Dub to really look at this total tripe honestly, the would not be a Dub much longer.
As Ray Franz said in C.O.C "it is an insult to Jesus to say he chose them on the basis of what they taught in 1919"
Don't let them get away with that "closest to the truth " rubbish either, the Christadelphians were closer just to name one group.
Point two above needs pressing home.
p.s you have to keep them on topic and thinking logically, I have had them resort to "but look at how they have grown since" etc, don't then be side-tracked in to comparing growth with other groups,which can be done to no avail, point out that either they qualified to be chosen in 1919 or they didn't so where is the proof ?