Pics of tornado damage by our house that hit FRI night

by purplesofa 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Wow! I'm glad you're OK. Thank you for sharing the photos with us.

  • purplesofa

    This is whats left of a store.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Oh my goodness!!!

    How terrible!!! I am so glad your kids are all ok...


    Lady Liberty

  • purplesofa

    I tell you we were burning up the cells phones calling everyone around us.

    When power is out and cable, thankfully cell phones were still working.

    Funny too, we live by train tracks and they say a tornado sounds like train coming.

    The trains still ran through all this mess and everytime one went by we were like.

    OK, is THAT the tornado?

  • upnorth

    CRAP !

    That's a heck of a mess to deal with !

  • hubert

    Glad you and your family are all okay, Purps. In one of the pictures you took there were two huge trees that were litterally snapped off at the trunk, and I can't imagine how much force it took to do that. Thanks God you are all okay.


  • not a captive
    not a captive

    I feel helpless when those warnings come. Glad you are okay. Those trees were big ,the ones that were twisted in two. What a wreck!

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    So glad to hear you are okay !

    I have an elderly aunt and uncle that live in northern Arkansas, Glencoe .I better call them Monday and make sure they are okay ...They are witnesses and I don't know if they would call if they had trouble or not

  • crazyblondeb

    I wanted to call you when I heard where they hit, but don't have your number in my new cell..

    Glad you and the kids are ok!

    Give my love to jess and the boys...give jada a big kiss for me.

    If you think about it, message me your number on yahoo!

    luv ya, shell

  • Scott77

    What a devastating situation! sorry purplesofa,

    Glad you are ok.

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