Adherence to FALSE TEACHINGS required of Jehovah's people: Scottish Court Case transcripts confirm

by Terry 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Fred Franz and Judge Rutherford. Who was more res

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Whatever happened to Douglas Walsh? Did he go to prison? How long for? I wonder if they made an example of him; almost everyone got 3 months in those days. Is he still alive? There must be someone from Bonnie Scotland who knows of his whereabouts.


  • Terry

    Fascinating photos of the Watchtower family.
  • civicsi00
    What's even more appalling is that the average JW has no idea of this type of information that can be read and researched on the internet.

    You mean the average JW doesn't CARE what this transcript says. That's how mind-controlled they are. Most JW's will absolutely run away from information like this as if it were directly from the Devil himself. They have been trained and drilled to avoid any critical thinking or to have any negative thoughts towards the Watchtower/GB.

  • JWoods

    Just for what it is worth, I was aware of this transcript back in 1970 when I was still in the WT. It came up, of all places, in the two-week overseer's school in Pittsburgh, Pa. which was being taught by Al Schroeder.

    They verified pretty much the transcript, but the spin was that it was a "fine example" of how the world did not understand Jehovah's unified organization and the concept of "new light". The 30 or so JW congregation overseers in that class bought Schroeder's BS hook line and sinker.

  • Terry

    I remember fond conversations with various older JW's when I was a teen. They'd simply chuckle over what the Society published, said, did or changed as though they were talking about a "Crazy Uncle."

    I got the feeling they thought it was endearing!

  • JWoods
    I got the feeling they thought it was endearing!

    Exactly - some of them were practically nostalgic over stuff like the old men of the old testament coming alive on earth in the 1920s, (looking around at conventions for people with beards), the "miracle wheat", and so on.

    It was presented as a fine example of how Jehovah was leading the flock by new light.

    This kind of thing pretty much died out after the 1975 failure and the big Ray Franz apostacy scare, however.

  • jehovahsheep

    thanks for the thread.its interesting how all jws must march in step even in falsehood.ill keep this thread in mind whenever my imperfect mind has doubts about my jw exit.

  • upnorth
  • Terry

    WOULDN'T IT be fun to have special bumper stickers printed with that on it and we sneek onto the parkling lot at the Kingdom Hall and during the meetings and attach them to the cars??

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