People that fall for sparkly pants in a video and miracle frosty flakes should not comment on - KNOWLEDGE
Why Was Man Created with a Thirst for Knowledge then Condemned to Die for Seeking It?
by Hopscotch 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you for all your nice welcomes, it's lovely to meet you all.
The concept of a spiritual death as opposed to a physical death makes more sense to me, Tammy, and thank you for the biblical quotes that back it all up, Stephen. It's so nice to be able to have a light hearted chat about bible issues and even refer to scriptures without any interference from the mind controlling WBTS.
How can we hope to understand anything if we don't explain it?
A "spirit" is an imaginary construct. Death is only real when it is applied to real things.
Would it mean anything if I said I have a spiritual pair of boxer shorts? What if I said they laughed at me?
Laughing Spiritual Boxer Shorts: does it MEAN anything?
ADAM died a Spiritual Death? Sure. While his spiritual boxer shorts laughed.
How would any human being KNOW what a Spiritual Death was? By looking at the animals? Animals can't die a spiritual death, can they?
Jehovah's warning that "you shall surely DIE" is only meaningful if it is physical.
Terry - You don't have to believe in spiritual things, but you do need to acknowledge that Jesus and the people He spoke to did. If not, you're going to miss the messages that they were trying to relay, and they did speak about spiritual death. Couple examples,
'Jesus said, 'Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead.' Matthew 8:22 (He wasn't talking about zombies burying their dead)
'As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world...' Ephesians 2:1 (these people weren't physically dead, but spiritually, and this was Paul speaking)
And spiritual life:
'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live (spiritual life), even though he dies (physical death); and whoever lives (physical/spiritual life) and believes in me will never die(spiritual death)..." John 11:25-26
Someone might have a different take on that sentence than I do, but the gist is that spiritual life/death is a part of Jesus teachings. If you can understand this, you'll be able to make sense of other passages.
And for those who do understand what a spiritual death is, "you shall surely DIE" is more meaningful with Adam if it is spiritual.
I can't get the thought of your laughing spiritual boxer shorts out of my head Terry lol
When I said the concept of spiritual death made more sense in this situation than a physical death it was because Adam went on to live over 900 years before finally succumbing to old age so God certainly took his time in carrying out the punishment if it was meant to be physical.
I get where you're coming from though. You can't 'see' spirituality so if the scriptures are referring to a spiritual death, how did Adam understand what it meant? How could Adam know what spirituality meant and the dire consequences of being spiritually 'dead' when he had never met an agnostic lion or a bitterly jealous chimp who turned his back of God for not making him numero uno in the Garden of Eden?
Thank you all for your interesting and thought provoking replies.
As I was waking my brain from the mind controlled slumber caused by 40 years of rote learning (brainwashing) as a JW, this question about Adam and Eve was one of many that made me really start deconstructing my whole belief system.
And while I realise that we as a group of ex JWs have all chosen to individually take different paths as far as our beliefs go, isn't it wonderful that we now have the freedom to do so.