Are you a victim of WT manipulation?

by moshe 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Thank you Terry, for reminding us that JW's have tried make sense of a broken orthodox Church dogma- but they have made their own pit in the process.

    Will everyone be happy that you have stayed undercover for 5 years in an effort to help them? Or will they see you as a weakling/fraud, when they get out later?

    I knew of a JW elder who was the only JW in his family and his wife and kids went through hell trying to work around his 'religion'- for about 30 years- his wife went without birthdays, holidays, vacations, regular friends- all the normal stuff familes do AND because the end was just around the corner so he never planned for a future, either. He had a regular job with no benefits. Then out of the blue he got mad/ in a fight at the KH/stepped down or was removed and then the next thing he looks at the WT religion as an outsider and discovers it is all a pile of crap.

    He announces to his wife and grown kids- " hey everyone, I just figured out that the JW's are all wrong! I just quit the KH!" Do you think everyone was happy? Hell, no! They were all so pissed that it took him 30 years to open his eyes and he ruined the last 30 years. His wife came unglued and suddenly all the anger came pouring out- she realized she hated him for what he had done to them and filed for divorce!

    I guess what I want to say is, -you can live the life that was meant for you to live as an open and free ex-JW or you can live the life that JW's force you to live as an undercover fader ex-JW wannabe. Are you prepared to wait 30 years for a family member to open their eyes? And then will you come unglued - "damn you, why did you take 30 years to finally listen to all the hints I have been dropping! I wasted my life waiting for you to wise up!"

    Are you going to let JW's manipulate your life's decisions or make your life, your own?

  • peaches

    absolutely yes....

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Used to be, not anymore.

    That's a sobering experience by the way, hope it helps someone. Actually I have a couple of people I'm gonna tactully share it with.

  • undercover

    There are different levels of fading, being 'undercover', etc. Some are just beginning to figure shit out and are still afraid and not sure what to do. Others are further along but yet have no support system in place to rely on should they suddenly be left out in the cold. And then others are completely out and only have to deal with JW matters in relatives that are still in. Many go from one level to the others as time goes by. And yes....there are some who are in the manipulative state that you speak of. They know it isn't "the truth" yet don't really do anything other than hide their thoughts and feelings and just go through motions of living.

    I'll speak from my perspective and situation. I haven't been to a KH meeting aside from a few memorials and a couple of weddings in several years. I'm out. I ain't going back. I've made it clear. I go to the memorial because my JW family usually makes a concentrated attempt to get me to attend. They have hope (false that it is) that it will spur me to action. I go only to appease them for the moment and I've learned that going to one religious event a year, be it JW, Mormon, Catholic or any other silly superstitous ritual ain't gonna kill me.

    I've given up trying to convince most JW relatives of anything. If they wanna be JWs and they're happy, who am I to screw with that? Freedom of religion and all that... can't preach it if you don't practice it.

    I married for better or worse and the worst part is that my wife still has some JW thinking and beliefs still instilled in her. She's not an active member but she has the guilt and fear instilled. I think...I believe...that in time, she'll come to her senses. She's very intelligent and savvy in everything she's involved with...except the religion she was raised in from birth. She recieves tremendous guilt trips from her over righteous JW mother. Mothers and daughters...need I say more?

    There are times to speak and there are times to keep quiet. I have my own thoughts and opinions about the WTS and while I may speak openly with an ex-JW board or other ex-JWs I've met or even non-JW friends, I know that it keeps the peace to not continually go on and on about it to people who still believe. I have a friend who is a serious Catholic. I have, on more than one occasion, insulted her with my unchecked opinion of the Catholic church. I've learned the hard way to respect, least keep quiet about her beliefs, no matter how stupid they seem to me.

    I also have thoughts and opinions about the management style of the company where I work. I can speak of these things with certain people, but if I want to keep my job, I'll keep my mouth shut when in the presence of the CEO.

    I chose my screen name based on where I was when I joined the board. When I knew something was seriously wrong but hadn't come to complete grips with it. I was scared shitless posting the first time....but excited that I might finally be able to communicate with people who knew something of what I felt and feared. But I needed to stay on the down low and I was afraid of being found if the elders had my PC rigged or something.

    As time went by, I lost a lot of the paranoia and the fear. The name 'undercover' isn't as appropro as it once was but since I'm only faded and not DFd, I prefer to keep it that way, I like to move amongst the enemy without being known as such.

    Another consideration; the larger the JW family, the harder it is for one to just say 'fuck it all' and walk off. Yea, there's a game afoot when you have to juggle these things, but it can be done. We make sacrifices for family on many levels, not just religious. If I wasn't married, I could do a lot of things I've wanted to do. Is that my freedom being curtailed...or is it giving up something in order to keep something else more cherished?

    As for the question,

    Are you going to let JW's manipulate your life's decisions or make your life, your own?

    I can't, or won't, answer for anyone else but I can answer that I make my own decisions. The influence of the WTS has no bearing on what I do when it comes to life decisions. It shows in little my grooming. No self respecting JW looks like I do. I make my freedom from that cult apparent in my dress and grooming. I have no fear of being seen in public in places that a JW shouldn't be, whether it's a biker bar, a pool hall, a strip club or a movie theater to see an R-rated movie. I read what I want. I watch what I want. I do what I want with no reflection on what the WTS or God or anyone else, except my immediate family, says about it. I've taken a stand in big issues as well. I have faced down my entire family on the blood policy, ready to accept it during surgery. You don't know what righeous indignation is until you tell JW family that you're going to sign papers to accept blood. Don't believe me....try it...

    I respect people who DA. There is something about making that stand and refusing to compromise. But it's the ability to compromise that makes a man noble....wait, that's from Braveheart, scratch that... it's the ability to compromise that can help one adjust from the control of the WTS to freeing one's mind, then one's body from their clutches.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Enjoyed your post undercover.

  • moshe
    I've given up trying to convince most JW relatives of anything. If they wanna be JWs and they're happy, who am I to screw with that?

    Undercover, I have only two gripes with the JW religion: A- the organized shunning of family and friends who choose to quit going top the KH and,

    B: killing family and kids over the blood transfusion issue. Should the WT org ever stop acting like G-d and drop those dogmas, I would have nothing to openly oppose. I'll still say that they are silly for being a JW, but there would be worse religions they could join. I'm happy eating a hamburger, but would I like it as much, if I had to kill and butcher the steer? It's the same with JW's- when they look into how their religion is really cooked up by liars and frauds, they find out the WT's meat in due season doesn't taste so good anymore.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    I'll tell my story fast again. MY dad bacame a jw laTE 60's early 70's/ i WENT TO the hall as a KID/ teenager and heard all about 1975 AND THE GENERATION OF 1914. I ALWAYS THOUGHT MY DAD AND JW'S AS SOME KIND OF BIBLE SCHOLARS. till I got divorced in the late 90's and went back to live with my jw dad . well he was throwing these wt books and mag's in my face every 10 minutes till i started to look into what these books were really saying. in less than a year I proved the WTS FULL OF SHIT AND ENDED UP LIVING IN THE BACK SEAT OF MY NISSAN SENTRA FOR OVER 5 MONTHS. IN THE FREEZING WINTER. DID I LET THE JW'S ? OUT TALK ME INTO A WARM HOUSE? NO I KEPT TELLING THEM OFF TILL THIS DAY. AND THEY WILL ALL BURN IN HELL IF THERE IS ONE . FOR LYING FOR THE WTS. AND IN THE END I HAVE WON THEY WANT MY LOVE AND I TELL THEM TO DROP DEAD................................


  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD


  • moshe

    For some reason humans are easily swayed to believe something written in a book. Writing and books have some magical power over humans it seems. Why? I believe the act of reading exerts more long term mental control than listening to something.

    It must be due to the different regions in the brain that process auditory and visual information. While primitive man did use the sense of sound to live, I believe it was his superior visual processing power that gave man the edge. Subconsiously, seeing/reading something in the WT books ( lots of pictures) causes the brain to want to act out in a way that triggers a survival impulse. Going against WT teachings triggers a response in the brain that is akin to deadly fear, like stepping into a nest of vipers.

    It seems that living in the backseat of a car in the winter is a certain cure for believing in WT teachings. Glad to hear you made it out, John. I have to admit, it is fun to make JW's turn red and pop their cork when I have caught them in a bald-faced lie.

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