I honestly never believed it was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Growing up in the 70s and seeing the 1975 debacle firsthand, I always knew they were fallible. Seeing the clowns who got appointed as elders just because they dragged their family out in service every weekend (and that was their ONLY qualification) reinforced the knowledge that they were NOT appointed by holy spirit.
But growing up among the flaws I still accepted the religion as the truth and the only truth. Cult mind control.
I think a big thing in allowing me to finally leave is that I never let the Borg take my self-esteem because I never based my self-esteem on how well I conformed to Borg requirements.
So like many, I was in but not fully indoctrinated. If I had to pinpoint one event that really pushed things and accellerated my exit and determination to never submit to Borg rule it was this:
I was a MS. A relatively new MS but I grew up in the truth and had been baptized longer than several elders on the local body. I hadn't just fallen off the turnip wagon. So when the elders made a decision that affected me and my family (I can't go into details at the moment, sorry) I had the fortitude to complain about it. I didn't complain around the congregation in the usual Dub-gossipy manner; I went to an elder directly and told him how I felt, calmly and with scriptures to support my point.
Next week I was brought into a meeting with a couple elders, who I presumed were going to address the issues I had raised. Wrong.
They were there to talk to me about my pride and presumption in questioning a decision by the body of elders. (I think it really pissed them off that I used scriptures against them.) Humility is fine and good and so I accepted the counsel and promised to work on it. But the thing that stuck with me was how they misapplied the "seven stars" in Christ's hand from Revelation chapter 1. Here's how they twisted it:
Because the stars are angels of the congregations, that means they are the elders, and because the elders are held in Christ's right hand, that means he is directing the elder bodies in the congregations, and because he is directing the elder bodies in the congregations their decisions are Christ's decisions and should never be challenged.
This ridiculous interpretation completely disregards the context of the following chapters where JESUS IS CHEWING OUT THE ELDERS IN THE CONGREGATIONS for NOT DOING WHAT HE WANTS THEM TO DO!
I don't view myself as proud but I DO have enough NORMAL self-esteem to not submit to such complete and utter BS.
That was the beginning of the end for me mentally. I no longer obeyed any of their prohibitions on outside research. I found Robert King's stuff on the Internet and read his book (which actually makes some sort of sense if you still think in Dub-ese), participated in his message board for awhile, and finally came here.
(Note: a lot of details and other stuff is left out, obviously. I hope to tell my entire story someday.)