Only Baptised JW's make it through Armageddon

by ForbiddenFruit 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Elsewhere

    Do this or you will DIE!!!

    And once you do it, we OWN your ass!

  • babygirl30

    I used to be SO SCARED when the brothers would talk about how we needed to be at ALL mtgs 'in case the end came' and nobody knew where to go or what to do. SO if you weren't at the mtg (for whatever reason) you would miss out on the direction from the bros and possibly lose your life! THAT rang loudly in my head as a kid...

  • peaches

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( forbiddenfruit )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) welcome and i am glad you are awful for you though...


    Only Baptised JW's make it through Armageddon..

    Wrong!! ..

    Only Baptized JW`s..

    "WHO ARE DOING ENOUGH FOR THE WBT$".. Will live through Armageddon..

    The rest are Bird Food..

    The WBT$ does`nt think most JW`s..Do "ENOUGH" for the WBT$..

    The WBT$ complains about it,at every opportunity..

    The Question is..

    Out of 7 MILLION JW`S..

    Who will be the Lucky 12 JW`s..That live through Armageddon??..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Heaven

    This never sat well with me either. It just doesn't stand up to logic. This is similar to their 'we're preaching to all peoples of the Earth' BS which doesn't stand up to the math.

    So riddle me this..... how does an unborn baby get baptized?

  • ForbiddenFruit

    I often brought up, "How does an unborn baby get baptised?", and their response was always, " We just don't know, we aren't here to question, if Jehovah decides to call all the babies then that's his decision. But we don't know". This didn't sit well with me.

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

  • mindmelda

    Well, that's one more wonderful reason to not worry about surviving Armageddon. Can you imagine the whole world being like a 2 day JW convention for the rest of your godforsaken life?

    I'd be begging for a quick death after about 6 days of that crap.

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