Do you know of any way to fix them so they don't fall off while you are wearing the piece? I've found fine jewelry caught in clothes and on the floor at home. Some pieces disappeared outside.
I never understood why anyone would complain of polishing silver. We had no money so silver seemed the lap of luxury. I don't like it too highly polished. The patina looks more elegant. The most effective silver cleaner I found that works instantly is illegal to sell in CA b/c it causes cancer. It smells of rotten eggs. My gentler formulations require much elbow grease and never truly clean the tarnish well.
My silver silveware is locked up in silver cloth. These pieces don't ever tarnish. Perhaps I need to wipe a cloth over them once just to have them pristine.
I also have brass. Nothing seems to tarnish as much as silver.
Has anyone tried those plates with holes that you are supposed to use in the sink with chemicals? They claim you do not have to work hard. Of course, the chemicals may cause cancer, too.
I am going to try Talesin's recipe.