I have several copies of the MCP card as it was issued over the years. It sounds like you saw the image printed in a 1975 issue of Awake. That is image is of the cover of an MCP card.
To this day Watchtower has never shown Witnesses around the world the content of those cards so Witnesses could better understand what Watchtower led Witnesses in Malawi to suffer rape and murder over.
Watchtower widely publicized the suffering of Witnesses under the Banda regime, especially at the hands of the Young Pioneer members of the MCP. But to this day Watchtower has not one time publicized the content of those MCP cards. My opinion is that folks would be roundly unhappy to actually see what Watchtower had Witnesses dying over. This is particularly the case given the published reason why Malawian Witnesses felt obliged to refuse these cards and the fact that Watchtower leadership was at the same time pledging allegiance to the United States government.
I am just curious how scant is the knowledge of the content of these cards.
Marvin Shilmer