Talked to an OLD friend...he has NO desire to 'return' to the fold either!!

by babygirl30 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    There was a family in my cong that I was really close's an elder, mom's a pioneer, they had a son and daughter. About 5yrs ago though, when I was still IN my JW trance - the son married a non-JW and faded while the daughter was DF'd. Due to my judgemental training, I 'shunned' both of them out of duty (not because I didn't care about them). But these 2 were SUCH good friends!! Their parents would always discuss how disappointed they were that thier kids didn't come back...and so i never really ran into either of them nor felt it would be 'acceptable' to try to contact them.

    Anyhow, found BOTH of them on good ol Facebook and reached out to them. The girl friended me right away and we caught up online! But the son took I sent him a msg telling him that I was DF'd and that if he chose not to associate with me, I would understand and respect that. WELL...he DID friend me and we ended up chatting for a LONG time last night!! Not only was he happy to hear from me, but he also said that my being DF'd was 'only by man - NOT by God' and that led into us discussing the org and how twisted it is. HE has the same feelings as we all do (here on JWN) about JWs and religion as a whole...he read CofC...we talked about all the discrepancies...and his 'hang up' is the generation topic! I told him about this site (hopefully he joins) and then we ended the convo.

    All in all it was soooo good to catch up with an old friend and to be able to learn that THEY also feel just like I do!!!

  • nugget

    It is only in the org that friendships are conditional. Outside the org people can be people and friendships can outlast cultish training.

    Good for you I was so glad to here is all turned out so well.


  • Lozhasleft

    That must be a good feeling...I'm glad you've caught up with your old friends...

    Loz x

  • mentallyfree31

    I have some old friends that I'm wondering about too...i have an inkling that they have figured things out too. I need to reach out to them and see if i'm right.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I just got an email today from an "old" JW friend . She is still active because her entire family are witnesses , but her immediate family (husband and children are all non witness) I wonder if she is feeling the tug to just be close with her kids and stop being controlled by the witness side ? I made a suggestion about taking a day trip together ,and she agreed ! So I guess we will see what we shall see .

  • peaches

    babygirl130....CLAP....CLAP.....CLAP.......GOOD FOR YOU....enjoy your "new friendships".......

  • zoiks

    babygirl - good for you! Something similar recently happened to me, so I can relate to how excited you must be. Positive steps, one at a time...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Congratulations, that's wonderful babygirl!

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Glad to hear it!

  • OnTheWayOut

    What a nice story. I hope to have one like that one day.

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