What the heck happened in the stock market today?
by aSphereisnotaCircle 23 Replies latest jw friends
Greece happened. Or so they say.
I just read an article that said someone typed a T for trillion, instead of a B fo billion....... oops
And they are pointing the finger at Citibank.
Now I don't know much about stocks, but that one is really hard to buy.
Good thing they didn't type a Z
Think About It
That was a wild ride!!! I'm a very active stock trader and I've not seen anything that drastic. I was buying on the way down and made some profits riding it back up on some trades. A small long term position I'm holding is underwater, but hopefully it will be a money maker.
I think one of the big players meant to enter SELL and accidently typed HELL.
Think About It
That was a wild ride!
I still have a lot to learn, but yeah, that was wild.
When you understand the interactions of Greed and Fear within the human psyche
and all that pushes and pulls those forces on a large scale
you will then understand the stock market.
That's the entire engine: greed and fear.
It's not a "bad" thing.
Some trader on the CME e-mini desk put through a mispriced order for P&G, it was a match that lit an already nervous market.
Hell of a buying opportunity, some low ball prices on some favorite market orders got picked up in the sell off.
See what happens tomorrow.
Hell of a buying opportunity
That's what hurts the most, I didn't have any extra cash.
Some of the prices were painful to see and not buy.
Sam Whiskey
It was a selloff based on the fear that the Greek problem could spread to the others in PIIGS. If that happens, the Euro will disappear. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain, aka PIIGS.
Remember when we could travel to Europe because it was cheaper- Euro vs Dollar, well pack your bags the Euro is crashing.
..........Juan di Pins