Right, Dissed, that's what I was trying to express. Personal reasons, not as a teaching aid for others. It's not as if I believe in pepper-spraying JWs at the door or anything
HappyDad, I've worked under-the-table since I was 10 years old, and my mother obtained a work permit for me at age 12 so that I could work evenings full-time (in addition to school) and support my family, so that she wouldn't have to get a job, and could stay in her room all day and hate the world. Upon graduation, I immediately went to work THREE jobs at once, all to support my mother and little sister (who turns 24 today, doesn't speak to me, and is wasting her life on a religion that views her as inferior and subhuman).
I'm 25 years old and have 12 years of experience as an Executive Assistant, more work experience than many college-educated adults with the same job as me. Again, not the worst or most harrowing backstory out of all the posters here, but let's not pretend I ever had much time for any sort of childhood to speak of. I think you're probably a very nice person and mean well, but respectfully, I don't appreciate strangers lecturing me on responsibility. Quite frankly, I don't feel that mining the humor in a sentiment most of us have felt at one point or another (eff those JWs!) has any bearing on my maturity, adulthood, or responsibility level. I'd rather laugh than cry. Simple as that.